Friday, December 30, 2011

u.n. resolution time

on the eve of the eve of the upcoming new year this anchor is in reflective mode. although after reflecting on things i'm seeing my thoughts turn southward. thinking back over the past few years, and the resolutions i have made for myself, and realizing that i haven't reached any of them (or so little progress that it's not worth mentioning). Usually i would pick ones like.... lose weight, get healthy, stop abusing drugs & alcohol, spend more time with my family, learn how to salsa and then compete in salsa dancing contests. since i haven't met those resolutions in the past except not abusing drugs and alcohol (which i've never done to start with cause i figure my body is in bad enuff shape as it is don't need any help with that). so this year i've set the bar so low that for me not to achieve these goals would be the equivalent of me not being the anchor. i've put alot of thought into what areas of my life need the most improvements, but since there are so many i'm going with just what i think will work (hopefully) in the upcoming year. as with all of my lists they are in no particular order:

resolution#1 - i'm not going to take a salsa dance class and or compete in salsa dancing competitions (just watch me on this one not do it).

resolution#2 - i'm not going to lose weight (i've done a good job of blowing that this second half of the year already).

resolution#3 - i'm going to find my doppelgänger, and see which one of us has the better life.

resolution#4 - continue my hair loss (u maybe seeing this anchor on curb your enthusiasm at the rate its leaving my top these days).

resolution#5 - continue listening to nothing but good music (no matter how much the wife tries to tempt me with bad glee covers ruining classics & maroon 5. i won't give in).

resolution#6 - no divorce hoax posts on april fools (can't guarantee there won't be any throughout the rest of 2012 though. i don't think i've made my father in law happier though (just kidding rich dad).

resolution#7 - i will not watch the osbournes (as much as i love ozzy, i just bring myself to watch that show).

resolution#8 - i plan on reading at least 2 books (hopefully more, but i'm working with baby steps).

resolution#9 - i am going to determine a career and then work on getting myself in that field (i'm serious cause i know how much everyone around me hates hearing me talk about this topic).

resolution#10 - and my final resolution in 2012 for this anchor is work on getting a 6th reader for the blog (and hopefully keep the 5 current readers on board).

so hopefully this time next year i can say that i've accomplished these goals, but time will tell. have a happy new year to all 5 readers of this blog, and may your 2012 be more fulfilling than a overstuffed grilled burrito from taco bell. till next year... adios!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

x-mas list

this has been a long year, but now that its almost x-mas and the end f 2011 i find myself reflecting hard on my actions this past year. as i ponder these previous actions something has become abundantly clear.... ive been very naughty. i'm pretty sure santa won't even bring me coal this year (more than likely he will bring me a lecture or two). since getting something new and shiny from santa is probably out of the question this time around. considering santa won't have the time to read my list this year i figured i would show it to my favorite (and only) 5 readers of this blog. this is in no particular order:

- the gift of music (nuthing makes me happier than great music)

-the gift of sleep (in high demand for me these days since the supply side is short and the demand is def high)

- the gift of peace (my boys do more fighting than al queda, or so it seems. at least they can play with each other afterwards with all the their limbs in tact and no missing family members - bad yes i know, but like i said ive been and this year might as well keep the streak going)

- the gift of a cardinals super bowl (since they are all but out, i figured they have been naughty as well.)

- the gift of critical thinking (something ive def been lacking (and not just lately))

- the final gift is the gift of friendship (with the holidays being around and being in contact with several old friends and acquaintances made this anchor long for something more than just being docked).

hopefully next year i will mind my p's & q's (or whatever this anchor needs to do) to have santa take a look at my list. to all 5 readers have a merry x-mas / hanukkah / kwanzaa, and happy new year. i am hoping that there might be 6 readers next year.

Friday, December 16, 2011

women are crazy

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii think women are crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

about time

the anchor is back by popular demand. the masses (all 5 of them) have spoken and said they needed to have more of the anchor in their life so here i am to give it to them (this is with the assumption that the 5 readers are still reading this blog). just to bring everyone up to speed on what the anchor has been going through these past few months here are some quick updates:

halloween - took the anchors out trick or treating, and we still have candy from it (some of that is thanks to my umbro who donated his kids candy to the cause).

t-day - what a great week thanksgiving was. it started out with getting up extra early the friday before t-day and driving almost 14 hours to my umbro's in texas. we got chill with his family and ate like kings (which was a theme that carried though out that whole week) for a few days. while there on the old stomping grounds we where able to go and visit friends cassanda and cecil. now being back there and spending time with them made me miss the great friends we had in tejas. since being in az it just hasn't been the same (but we'll chat about that in another post). cassandra was gracious enuff to take the time to take our family pics (some of the pics maybe used in a future post). after the few days we traveled to see the outlaws, and the rest of my wife's family. this included staying with the outlaws and watching quite a bit of football (thanks again to the outlaws). we ate like kings there as well. the wife abandoned me, my father in law & umbro in law and left us with the kiddos. we worked it like champs with those kids. so to make mends with the males, the ladies took the kiddos out so the guys could do what guys do best.... talk and argue (mainly argue). i had a great time, and sure learned quite a bit. i know i wasn't expecting to learn so much, but this anchor goes by the old adage that everyday i should learn something new (that week should have me filled up for several months). t-day brought more eating (like royalty again) and spending time with the outlaws and my wife's extended family. i had the displeasure of seeing the cowgirls win (luckily i was able to have that rectified by watching the beloved cardinals beat them in o.t., but that's for another post as well). fast forward to sun post t-day and 14 hours again traveling back home. got a rock (i still think it was a baseball) to the windshield.

post t-day - since then ive been busy with work. got to spend this past sun with my grandma eating enchiladas and spanish rice. we got to spend a few days watching my neice and nephews the past week. other than ive been watching football and my tv shows.

i apologize that this post is so boring, but with so much happening to this anchor (mostly boring stuff) i figured i would do a catch up post. have a merry x-mas (or whatever the 5 readers celebrate & a happy new year.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

an evening to remember

as u may or may not have known this anchor is another year older (with still nothing to really show for it), and this year he got a treat that was over a decade in the making. back in my earlier years (around 7th grade) there was a musical troupe you may or may not have heard of that went by the name of primus. they are lead by les claypool who can only be described as the best bass player to walk the earth. over the years i have always wanted to see them live, but for one reason or another it never came to fruition, that was till this past week. i was approached by a dear friend last month who informed me (knowing of my great love for primus) that primus was touring and would be in the az area for an evening with just them playing only. "just primus for the nite" was my response. i couldn't believe it, a whole evening with just them. no openers or other things to get in the way of a great show. unfortunately for me i was short on the green (and i'm not talking green naugahyde their latest album). so it looked grim for my hopes of seeing them play live, but then that dear friend let me know a few days later that he was looking at purchasing a ticket for me. i couldn't believe it. there was no amount of thanks u i could give him and his significant other for making this dream come true (although i'm thinking i'm working in the thousands now and still going strong). so then came the waiting game. waiting for almost a month for the show to come. the day of show seemed to go crawl at a snail's pace, but then it FINALLY happened. my dear friend, his significant other & me got to the mesa amphitheatre around 7pm, and shortly after that nothing short of amazing happened. we stood right in front around the sound board area just outside the pit area. there was a dancing troupe of 4 ladies and a hesher wanna be guy dancing most of the show right in front of us, which ended up being almost as entertaining as the band. les played that evening with 3 different bass guitars during the course of the 3 hour show. words cannot describe how he plays those bass guitars. for several songs he brought out what appeared to be a homemade instrument that looked like a stand up bass with just 3 strings and he would pluck but also use a bow just like a cello. larry the guitarist was switching guitars after almost every song (most song would last 7-10 mins). the first set they played classics from their catalogue. then after an intermission they played green naugahyde in its entirety. after finishing up with that album. they left. knowing in advance that they play a 2 song encore we waited for them to take the stage again to complete the evening. they played a 2 song encore and, well i'm not sure cause we left towards the end of the 2nd song. that's part of the fun about getting older is knowing that traffic for a show like this going to be heavy so getting a head start is important. so that was my b-day this year in a nutshell. the only thing about the show that i would change was have them play a couple of my favorite songs they didn't get to. another year down and another thing i can mark off my bucket list. enjoy a video someone shot that evening with whats appears to have been taken with a camera phone.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

economics 101

it's no secret to my 5 loyal readers that this anchor is always broke, and will more than likely be that way in this life. it would seem like i slept during my economic classes, but i had an interesting conversation with my son today about economics that would make any professor proud. the conversation started out innocently enough with my son telling me that he wanted to be me. my first response to him was "WHY"???? his response was "so i can be "the anchor" and do whatever i want". so then i responded with "does this anchor do whatever he wants"? to my surprise his response was a resounding "YES". i had to start down the litmus list of reasons not to be this anchor. i told him "well to be me then you have to work and get paid for it". after u get paid u now have to pay the bills and give the money u just slaved over working your hands and feet to the bone over to everyone else. he didn't like this answer so he gave me his alternate version of himself as me, that being that he would not have to work cause he would already have all the money he needed. liking this version of myself, a version i have never experienced i asked him where the money came from. his response was "i just have it already cause someone else gave it to me". this response inspired me, but seeing an opportunity to lecture him on how the real world currently works i said "well to be at this point no one has given that amount of money, and since you want to be me you just going to have to work to earn money". this boy is always thinking a step ahead of me so he tells me "well the i'm going to work in a zoo". letting him know how excited i was for him to work in a zoo i told him "that's a great idea". he then made the mistake of telling me that "the zoo was going to be free for everyone". i had to sadly burst his bubble and remind him that the zoo has expenses that they have to pay for such as feeding the animals and to paying him for his work. i told him i know u like dancing for people (which was what he stated would be his occupation at the zoo), but "how then are they going to afford the music you are going to dance to"? my son shot back "we'll they have $10,000.00 already". after explaining to him that the "dollar amount was not enough to run a zoo as well as pay him for dancing" he gave me a number to which i can't remember the exact amount but it was around $500,760.75 or near it. i told him that i thought that was a great amount of money to start off with but the zoo would still need more to run and sustain itself. being fed up like most kids (and people in general) at the options given to me he decided it was better to just be a kid and not deal with all that now. i have to say that agree with him.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

it's job not job

yesterday was a very stressful day (like most of my days since becoming the anchor) to say the least. it was during this time there was a question posed to me by my better half which i didn't have an answer (not one that satisfied her anyway). i'm going to try to give my answer through this post (since she's one of the five readers of this glorious blog). the question came after a very very very hard day of her working with our two kids who both are (extreme) special needs. the question posed to me by her was "why us?" the reference was regarding why do we have to have all the challenges while everyone it seems has the charmed life she wants so desperately. i gave her my basic answer which happens to also be the truth, and that is cause she married me. a little background on me, if it weren't for bad luck i would have no luck at all. that did just the opposite of what i was hoping for in comforting her. so after going to be bed with a migraine size headache this thought has stuck in the back of my mind. it was still bothering me when i woke up so i gave it greater thought throughout my day today. i think i have an answer for her that hopefully will help her (what little help it may be). today a close friend at work informed me about some issues that arose in his family and the pain he was feeling cause of it. then a little later another good friend was telling me about rumors that where being spread about them and the pain they had been feeling after an incident where someone they cared about really her them & broke the trust they had in them. when listening to these good friends tell me the details about these situations in their life made me think even harder about the question "why us?". it assured me that.... no matter what i think we are not the only ones who have issues in our life. there are definitely people who have more problems in their life than others. i know from my trials (the few trillions i've had thus far) that afterwards i either learn something from it or tried to use it as a learning moment. that doesn't always happen, but i do try. its very hard to do that especially when it seems like the trials are caked on one after another another (which they usually are for me) to find the positive lining. i would just tell my wife if she was reading this post that no one (at least that i know) has the perfect life (although i do have a brother who is as close to perfection as anyone to walk this earth). even he has trials (not as bad as ours but he does have them). when i think there are people who have the perfect life with every advantage and not a grey hair on their head (tidbit of info: my brother doesn't have a grey hair either) that they also don't have what i have (besides bad luck) two of the best and smartest kids on earth. i love them more than anything i ever known in my short life. no matter how frustrating they can be (and they are off the charts in this department) i wouldn't trade them or the experiences we've had with them for anything (cheezy i know). i also have the best wife (even though she might think so). i am very grateful she lowered her standards (really lowered them) to allow herself to share these years together with me. now i'm starting to sound like a bad hallmark card so i will end it now before the last of the five readers stops reading this blog. so dear if you read this know that we are not alone in having problems and as for us it is cause u married me.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

out with the old, n with the knew

if you r 1 of the elite 5 readers of this blog, then u can c things have changed recently. yes after at least a year (i think a year and halfish to be more exact) the anchor is ready to blog has changed its look. a new background made courtesy of the latest up and coming blog designer "the adventures of jamc" (aka my wife). there is an icon on the blog that says my wife's pov & if u give it a click u can read her blog (be ready to go to sleep though while reading cause it's about the most boriniest family on earth). i gave her one command for updating this blog & that was to continue to make my blog look cooler than hers, and i think she's definitely succeed at that. i even updated the music play list to reflect the modern hits ive been listening to alot lately. i would have these songs on my ipod if i had one, but since i only have them on cd's i play them on my disc man. for those of you who don't know what a disc man is, i put a picture at the top as a reference for a visual. so with that, please continue to read and follow the ramblings of this mad anchor, and if that's too much too ask you can at least enjoy the tunes (please ignore the 30 sec ad for fantasy football that comes up every so often on the playlist).

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

"You-Know-Who", "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named" or "the Dark Lord" Continued

after hearing of a broken truce i rushed to see if it was true, and too my amazement it was. i thought the truce i had with my wife was unlike any of those ones truces the american government makes with foreign countries while they have there fingers crossed behind their back. today that truce was broken (which was probably inevitable since my wife had her hands behind her back when we made the truce). she wrote a lame post. not her usual one, but dear i say even lamer, and about me of all things. the lamest anchor anywhere.... or am i. since she is just going to blow smoke up your caboose when talking about "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named", then i will give you my side which is the real side of me. below is a list of my actions over a 7 year period. you can decide which side is telling the truth about this anchor..... the anchor himself who most be named.... or his prejudicial wife. you be the judge!

1. after a person with the first name of harry(i obviously can't give out his full name due to self incrimination)was born, i made his parents disappear permanently. james and lily had it coming.

2. i tried to kill harry by putting a curse on him. the curse failed, and the only thing this kid got from it is lightning bolt on his face. due to the course rebounding back on me i had to go into hiding.

3. i don't like half blooded wizards (even though i am myself, its the self loather in me)

4. after a gardner named frank (you know why i can't give out the full name) found out about my plan to restore my body using harry's blood, i had to help him push up daisies.

5. i engineered a plot to free bellatrix lestrange and some other death eaters from azkaban so we could retrieve the full record of a prophecy stored in the department of mysteries regarding harry and myself. i sent the group of death eaters to retrieve the prophecy.

6. i also had to let amelia bones with the department of magical law enforcement retire early with no pension.

7. after that i targeted members of the order of the phoenix, including emmeline vance. they definitely deserved it.

8. i split my soul to achieve immortality.

9. i was able to dispose of the minister for magic and replaces him with pius thicknesse, who at the time was under the imperius curse and used him to establish a totalitarian police state.

10. i was able to relieve the old wand maker at gregorovitch's wand shop & gellert grindelwald who was at nurmengard at the time, of their duties... permanently!

11. i stole the elder wand from dumbledore's tomb.

12. i used my good friend draco to help try to carry out an assault on the people and things at this lame school school called hogwarts. hogwarts is so lame you may mistake it for bryan adams high school in texas (maybe).

13. my body currently is laid in a different chamber with all the others who died from battling me. i currently exist in a stunted infant-like form that my nemesis harry sees in the King's Cross-like Limbo in the Forbidden Forest.

so i hope these little details that my wife left out in her post will allow you to make a much more educated guess on who the real "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named" is. one last thing to help sway your thinking about me, someone once said when describing me "the most evil wizard for hundreds and hundreds of years" that was really said about me. don't believe me go to wiki where you can read all about me.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

summer's over (or is it?)

to my loyal 5 readers (who where recently identified and are now in the process of changing their identities) i want to say thanks for keeping this little mom & pop shop blog open for business so this crazy anchors ramblings will continue on (at least for the short term future), but unfortunately for the five i have a wife who is like the wal mart of blogs & as soon as something happens with myself or the fam she is hot on the case typing away to let her 400 + (or maybe even more) followers now the happenings & exploits of our life. since i have a job and life i can't keep up with her daily posts (and she even writes them in advance sometimes, crazy i know) to give u guys a scoop when it happens like she does. you are more than welcome to read her blog , just make sure you twist that knife as hard as you possibly can in my back if you do. since school is starting next week for my kiddos i thought trip down memory lane would be nice to recap my summer (or at least as its been seen through the RING of this anchor - pic included for those novices to an anchor). started the summer (actually here it starts in may, but for the sake of an argument i will fast forward to june. between celebrating multiple anchor family (and extended family) birthdays, this anchor went camping. due to a lack of short term storage space in the CROWN of this anchor i don't remember the name of where it was, but we had a blast. the kiddos/me/my pops/my umbro & his kiddos all went camping. got to ride for around 45 mins on the worst (known) road in az. we got to enjoy in others misery as we watched a drunk guy lose his balance, and fall off the side of the hill into the river. he was able to swim across to the other side right where we were, and he was also able to verify that his jack daniels was safe as he took even more chugs to verify with everyone. funny thing is that 45 mins down the road we got a chance to actually meet our entertainer when we stopped at the same local farmers market. he gave my kiddos both knuckles for not wearing a shirt like him in the store. as i waited for everyone to get back in the car from the pottie break to get back on the road he emerged from the farmers market victorious with a 36 pack (or some big box) of coors beer & 3 bags of ice. i am thinking may be i need to tak STOCK in my life and see if an entertaining is really that important to me. the next day after getting back was fathers day, and the mrs's got me a ticket to go see my second fave baseball team the diamondbacks. ticket was for a july game (and hap pend to be the 2nd game for them right after hosting this years all star game (for which my wife didn't get me a ticket, and for which i am grateful after turning the game off around the 5th inning due to lack of interest). fast forward to july & the nite of the game. me & the same umbro from camping with went to the game together. best part of the game is watching the db's beat the dodgers after a 3 run homer. worst part(s) of the game where due to an elderly lady sitting next to me (these where great seats over by 3rd base by the way) talking with her friend the entire game about everyone they knew & their business. i enjoy ease dropping on those conversations from time to time, but i just wanted to watch the game. then there was a guy sitting behind me with a female friend (not sure to which capacity she was), but he decides this game he's the official college professor for baseball for her. so everything from getting a person out by catching a ball to what the pitch type was he talked about. got really really really old really fast, but i didn't SHANK him even though the feelings where there. even got to re watch a classic film "fortress" after the game with my umbro. so then a week or so later comes my big trip. the play by play can be read at my wife's blog, so i will give u the heart and soul of our trip. this trip was me/my wife/& another umbro (not the one from baseball & camping). we traveled to my old stomp in grounds texas. found out that the stars at nite are really big & bright deep in the heart of that state, but that's for another day. had the privilege of riding in a car for around 3 out of the 5 days of traveling (to some that may sound like a FLUKE, but not to me). got a chance to see my outlaws (although mama outlaw not as much as papa). got to witness a dear old friend (our friendship dates back to 7th grade when we met) get married & then drive 3 hours to walk in a parade in their honor (if anyone is interested in knowing about the wedding and reception let me know & i will post about it). got to see my little umbro & his fam, and most importantly got to eat texas bbq, which takes top precedent in my life over the rest. now that brings me up to current (most other details of happenings are either too boring or already blogged about elsewhere i'm sure u know where to look for those). since we ha vent hit aug yet then that means summer isn't over, so you may just see a future post about more happenings in the summer (or will you?).

Thursday, July 7, 2011

what's my identity?

thanks to censorship, what's left of my readers (i am going with the assumption that there is at least one person that reads this blogs besides me, although i have been wrong in the past), is left to read this post rather than my last one. apparently that one did not pass the blog test (didn't even know there was one either) so you are unfortunate to have to read this post instead. recently after watching a sponge bob episode i came to a realization. this realization got me thinking.... what is my identity? seems a simple questions at first, but after thinking and pondering about it for some years now, i've come to the conclusion that at this point in my life i have no real identity. growing up i really liked, actually loved skateboarding. it started when i was in elementary school, after being out of it for a little bit just picked it back up again in middle school, and stuck with it all the way through the first couple years of college. it consumed me all the time. everywhere i went skateboarding (even got so bad that church was included in this list) was at the front and center for me. for most of my life that was all i ate, drank, slept, & lived (with music being at the forefront as well). there was nothing else (as proven by my only girlfriend ever is my wife, and i still don't have a bachelors degree) that could take it's place. then i got my first girlfriend and she became my life (and still is today), and that became my identity. now that i've been married for 10 years with a couple kids my identity has become father & husband (which is nothing to sneeze @), but i feel like there is more to me than just those labels. when i asked the question to my wife the other day in hopes of something more enlightening than just those labels i got...... just those same labels. it seems this is my identity and there seems to be nothing else to create the passion that music and skateboarding did for me. i feel like if i had a better understanding of my true identity then i could finally figure out the most burning questions i have..... "what the heck am i supposed to do with myself as a career?" everyone i know seems to have this question answered and are either working in the field that suits them or working towards it (usually). i have a brother who is very artistic, and who in high school picked up a camera & started snapping photos for class. now he's running his small business as a photographer. there is a close friend who is probably one of the best i have ever seen with working kids. he loves playing and with them & teaching them. today he is of course a teacher and one i wish my kids could have had (when they where in public school). i wish so desperately to find that true passion again that i once had for skateboarding (there is still much love, but the passion isn't what it once was). i would hope that one day (hopefully sooner rather than later) i could find passion & turn that into my identity. if anyone has ideas about my current identity please leave me a comment so that i can use it to try & help me figure it out.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

sick days r here (again)!

this anchor has been out in the scorching heat way too much and has developed a bad sinus infection. i won't bore what's left of my faithful readers with those details, but since i'm down for count right now i wanted to do what all great bloggers (and the not so great bloggers - myself included in that category) post about when they have nothing to write about, or just do not feeling like thinking about something to write...... the top 10 list. without further ado (because my head is pounding right now) here is my current 10 top (in no particular order):

1. my mix cd's - i have made several recently, and that's almost all i've been able to listen to for the most part.

2. HTVOD - i will let you figure that one out

3. Bottle Rocket / Rushmore - two of my ALL TIME fave films. after just listening to their soundtracks recently i've right back on the wagon watching them over and over again.
Note to wes - PLEASE make something good for us soon i've been dying for something good since the royal tennenbaums

4. dallas maves beating the heat for the nba title. ive never been much of a mavs fan after what cuban said about steve nash, but once they demolished the fakers, they've become my team (at least after the suns.

5. swimming pool - amy purchase a small above ground pool for the kiddos, but with it being so hot, im finding this anchor sinking into it at nite (after the sun goes down - cause this anchor has 2 shades of skin, see though & red lobster)

6. a weekend without kids - for the first time since i believe we had kids, me the mrs's had a weekend alone after my folks took the kiddos for the weekend. this was to help us celebrate our 10 wonderful & most blissful years together in holy matrimony. i feel bad cause when we got married i had no money to take her on a honeymoon, and now 10 years later i have even less money and had to have her enjoy another stay cation. we enjoyed going out for 2 dates, had a pig look down my wife's shirt while we ate bbq, and watched some ufc while eating buffalo wings. i could do a whole post about those 3 days of bliss, but my wife beat me to the punch & wrote about it right after it happened. maybe next time i will beat her to the draw (actually i won't)

7. michael scott's leaving of the office - i say this only because of how the show did it. i felt the transition of him leaving was done almost perfect, and the couple remaining episodes where good as well.

8. eckhart tolle - recently some friends at work let me in on his writings, and ive found myself absorbed in them (of course i don't comprehend most of it, but i just blame that on the ego).

9. super marios games for the wii - for our 10 year anniversary my wife got me the first 3 mario bro's games from the original nintendo. yes they have a 25 year disc game where those 3 games and 1 additional mario bro's game from super nintendo are all on 1 disc. i'm not the only one who's hooked on the brothers.

10. my wife - i don't like talking about her cause i usually get in trouble, but she's been working SO HARD lately that she deserves a shout out. she's been homeschooling our kiddos, keeping up with the house chores, driving me crazy with redecorating, cooking (occasionally), and to top it off taking care of me. not an ez chore by any measure, but im sure happy that she puts up with me (and when i say put up with i mean SHE REALLY PUTS UP WITH ME!!!).

so in a nutshell, those are just the top 10 things i could think of right away without really thinking. please feel free to drop me a message (if there is still anyone left reading this blog), and let me know what's on your top 10 list.

Monday, June 20, 2011


lately i've been asked some major questions pertaining to getting to know this anchor a bit better. not question's that have any real meaning like why are we here on earth? what happens when we die? where do babies come from (thank goodness the kiddo's haven't asked that one yet, cause i'm not really sure where this anchor is from (nor do i wish to find out)? no! the questions i've been asked as of late are: what superpower would u have if u could have any superpower? & where would i go if i could go on any vacation & money didn't matter? so i am going to use this forum to educate the few, the proud, the 5 reader's who are still the last men (and hopefully a woman or two) still left wasting their precious little time here on this earth seeking further knowledge & insight from this anchor. the questions are in no particular order:
q. what superpower would u have if u could have any superpower?
a. i would have the superpower of being able to read people's thoughts. the main reason is cause i would like to finally know what my wife is really thinking about when she tells me "u really r a special person" or "does this dress make my backside look fat". i will use this power to finally be able to correctly identify both what she is saying but also when a question is presented where there is a consequence attached if i answer incorrectly hopefully will help me have the right response for her(cause heaven knows i don't have the right ones lately). i would also like to use this super power for the betterment of the male population. since as far as i know, NO MAN KNOWS WHAT A WOMEN WANTS, not even mel gibson. i would use this power to help interpret their thoughts to men (for a small fee of course).

q. where would i go if i could go on any vacation & money didn't matter?

a. its a simple, hawaii. since a young anchor from back n da day i've always wanted to go to that paradise, and cause as far as i know i don't need a passport to travel there.

q. if u could have one wish (and wishing for more wishes isn't an option), what would u wish for?

a. since i will already have the power to read women's thoughts i would wish for 1 day of being an attractive person. the reason is very simple, i'm ugly. i don't say this out for sympathy, but that is my reality (and has been so since i was born). i've always had the fine code's working against me. money is nice and so would be being really smart, but being beautiful trumps that. just look at all the no talented people who are on reality tv & and in pageants. i would like to see how much different people would treat me (and maybe get that raise).

q. what talent would u have if u could have any talents?

a. going with the idea that i can read people's thoughts i would like the talent of being able to write and perform music. since a young anchor i always thought of being on stage performing for the masses. i have always wanted to write music that matters (like the ghost gambler's/newton gang/& the ampersandersons) and to be able to perform like they do as well.

q. what would u like ur last meal to be?

a. i'm going with texas bbq brisket (still haven't tasted anything that tops that).

q. how did u make it 10 years being married (seriously i had someone ask me that when i told them about our current anniversary)?

a. simple my wife puts up with me much more than any women could. i'm very confident had it been anyone else i married we wouldn't have even gotten married, cause they would have dropped me back to the bottom of whatever lake i came from.

i think that's enuff of those important question's for the this time. hopefully u gained some insight into this anchor (and i don't blame u if u happen to be the reason when i post next there are only 2 readers of this blog left). if there is any question u would like to ask this anchor please do. no gurantees i will answer,but then i might u just never know. adios cinco amigos!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


today was a special day, and not just for what you the fab five readers of this blog may have thought it was for... june 1 or the first day summer. although here in az it feels like summer 8 months out of the year. no! today was the day i celebrated diez anos with my wife. yes today for those who are not bilingual (as myself), was my (and my wife's) 10 year wedding anniversary. what a crazy 10 years its been. during this time we have moved between 2 diff states, had 2 kids with special needs (they get it from the mother's side of the family - jk rich dad), had my face removed, our oldest removed from public school and home schooled, some college & university degrees, divorce scare (sorry again chetman for that post), and a car engine almost blow up. crazy, yeah most would say that, but this anchor says its just another day in the life of an anchor. as the saying goes if it weren't for bad luck i would have no luck at all. although i would alter that quote a tad and say as long as i got my sweetheart with me then bring on the bad luck (and if you believe in the universe then you would know that the universe has brought me my fair share (and then some more) of bad luck). i know i wouldn't be where i am today without her in my life. not to get all emotional and chick flick style (cause u know this anchor don't play that way), but i am truly grateful to have her by my side helping me along the way of life. my biggest regret is that as an anchor i don't provide the lifestyle that the primadonna deserves. i can see this post is heading into julia roberts movie style, so before he water works begins i want to end this post by letting my wife know how much i love her (although she never reads my blog unless a call comes from the bosses that she needs to get on her to clean things up - refer for my april fool's day post for more on that) and am appreciative of her putting up my shenanigans. love ya sweetheart. happy anniversary, and i will make my next post on our 15 year anniversary.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

open forum

today i want to see how faithful my 3-5 followers are by turning over this post to u to fill in the blanks about me. if u would please fill in the blank that bests answers the question about this anchor from ur opinion:

i think the anchor would be best suited for this line of work ___________________! any takers will make this anchor feel extra special (and it's needed now more than ever).

Saturday, April 16, 2011

i got some tunes 4 u

honestly i am really bored tonight, and instead of going to bed and getting the much needed rest my body and mind really need right now i am going to see what will my mind think of to write for my loyal readers (all 5 of ya). the thought that keeps coming to my mind is to tell the masses of the historic event of finally getting my p.c. fixed after some evil doer sent an incredibly horrible virus to my p.c. that ended its life or so they thought. lucky this anchor is very blessed with some incredible friends that have some incredible talents (i am sure as i am writing this post there are several of my followers (around 5) that have some incredible talents as well). so i spent the day at some friends house playing rock band and getting my p.c. rid of the horrid virus which had plagued and worked on it's demise. after we (my friend doing all the work & me watching) got the old baby up and running again. after the o.s. there was 1 thing that had to go on first and that being the most important of any pc....... ITUNES! after being without itunes for several months my taste in music had started to wane and my ears needed a pick me up from all the garbage i was forced to listen i needed it and in a big way. i kept thinking about becoming a terrorist just so i could go over to guantanamo and listen to some better music. it was a very sad and dark time in my life not being with my tunes. so now i have my tunes back and my depression (although somewhat still there) is almost gone and the grey skies are clearing up for now. on that note, i am listening to some new tunes and u can't wipe the smile off this anchor (at least for now).

Monday, April 4, 2011

i want my time back!

the title of my post today is the best way i can describe how this past men's ncaa (no one watches the women, especially if its notre dame and tx a&m) basketball tournament went. i'm not saying that cause none of the teams i picked made it to the big dance, but because almost every game i watched was either a blowout or a close game but played really poorly. there was some great moments as there always is, but overall it was really one bad team advancing over a decent to mediocre team. my final four picks where ohio state vs. duke and kansas vs. ucla with ohio state and kansas playing for the championship and kansas taking it all. to my credit i think any combination of those teams tonight would have been better than what i witnessed tonight with butler vs. uconn. come to think of it i would have rather watched a youth center game with 10 years old trying to learn the sport than the game tonight. if i was brad stevens i would have my team (and possibly even staff) put on a suicide watch for at least tonight possibly longer, and tomorrow morning i would have the team go back to a youth center and relearn how to make a bucket,block out for rebounds, and make free throws. start them off with the basics (appears to be much needed after what i witnessed) and then have them do lay up drills. the only highlight for me tonight when i was watching the game (and not doing chores to keep myself awake) was listening to the announcers and commentators try to say and do anything to keep people wanting to keep watching the game cause of how bad it was. i know now that thanks to tonight's championship game that in a little less than a year when march madness kicks off again there is going to be some majors changes to ncaa basketball to make sure a game like tonight's doesn't happen again. good night and good luck to those guards posted outside the butler mens team hotel rooms.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

a response to my previous post

as i stated in my previous post that i would give my 5 readers a quick update before i move out of my house. so before i move out today (for my own security now) i would like to say (as if my 5 readers didn't already know) happy april fools day. yes this anchor is happily hunkered down with his wife who in a couple months we will be celebrating 10 year of marital bliss (and some not so martial blissful moments). i want to apologize to the chetman for shaking up his march 31 evening with the post. i do appreciate the concern, and sorry that my last post cut into his nice evening with his folks. hope they enjoy there stay with you (and hopefully no muggings will occur on ur watch). i must admit my wife and father n law almost got me on april fool day by using my post against. luckily for me, my wife can't keep a straight face when she's trying to prank me, but like i told her there is always next year. so i hope this clears the air on yet another april fools day come and gone.

p.s. - steph - luckily for me our couch is really comfortable right now, but i think the payback will be when the kids are running around waking me up before dawn.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

some bad news

this anchor always look at best in situations (or at least as much as i possibly can), but im afraid i have troubling news. after a heated discussion last night with my wife, she has this anchor to dock at another harbor. seems my attitude of a late, and some stupid choices i made recently where enuff to put her over the top.i know im not perfect (as perfect as any anchor can be i guess), but i guess i didn't realize how bad things had gotten. i am going to wait till sat to move out so as to not upset the kids school week. still not sure how to break the news to them yet, but i still have a little bit more time to figure that out. if any of my 5 readers read this post keep this anchor in your prayers and thoughts. things are going to get real ruff on the open seas. also if any of the readers know of cheap housing that's a real plus right now as well. i will keep u posted on all updates. i know things will get better, just not sure when. for my five dear readers please pray for me. i truly appreciate it.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

march madness

as u can tell by the title it is the month of march, and madness has begun (and not just for ncaa hoops). this past week was spring break, and now the madness will ensue. i have had from last friday (march 11) till tomorrow (march 20) off of work to spend some time with foreign creatures known as my children. now this time off was supposed to be down time for me (since i haven't had a vacation for several years), but little did i know what was to be in store this week. at the last minute (sat march12) got a call from my mom to say why don't u and kids come on down to their house where we can have a family gathering. let me back up things up just a few before i touch base on the family gathering. my wife's hooptie, i mean vehicle broke down the week before and so we used my car to get me to work (@ 4 in the morn), and pick her up from work (@7 at night). all the while making sure the kids got to where they needed to be at the same time. crazy week indeed. word came back that week from our mechanic that the car was done for. the cost to fix the car was about 10 times the cost of the car itself. so back to sat the 12th we get a company to give us 200 bones for the car & they towed it from the dealership from where the car had been parked all week due to being broken down. now back to the phone call from my mom to come to their place for the weekend. my wife had to stay back due to we would be there till tuesday (march the 15th) and she had to work on monday. so me and the boys where able to pick a ride with one of my older bro's and his fam who headed up on sunday. my younger bro and his fam traveled from texas to be here for spring break. they got in sat night, and my oldest bro and his fam traveled to my parents house on friday, so both of them and their fams were already there when we arrived sun morn. so many things happened from sunday through tues with myself and all my fam, that i am only gonna give a few highlights. the first one is that almost everyone was sick, so needless to say i got sick as well and have been sick this week. only fevers and bad headaches, no nausea (thank goodness). on monday we went as the johnson clan to goldwater lake in prescott (one of this anchor's old jobsites). did some hiking around the lake and threw snowballs. there were several couples out there walking their dogs around the lake, and there was an english bulldog which i fell in love with. she was so cute and smart. as soon as one of boys went by her she'd run for her life. tuesday was travel to anthem and have a day at the park celebrating my nephews upcoming b-day. so spent the day at the park and then went to the asu vs. ok sooners baseball game that evening with my dad, my bros and their older kids and me and my kiddos. game was great (what i could see between making potty trips for my kids and fighting cousins). wed and thurs i was home in bed for the most part still trying to get over being sick. watched some netflix with the kids and played wii. now i am feeling better today (sat march19th) but now my supposed down time will come to an end tomorrow and the madness of work will begin again. after writing this blog for my final four blog readers i think just trying to keep up with my bracket is a vacation in itself. till next time go kansas (who i picked to take it all).

Friday, March 4, 2011

not sure about this post

as i am sitting on this beautiful backside i was blessed with i am having a hard time trying to find a good idea that i should post about. my thoughts first go to things that are currently happening with me, but as u may (or may not) know my wife blogs ad nausea about those things and i don't want to bore, i mean go back over those things. my thoughts then turn to those burning questions that will solve all mankind's ill. for those who know me know those thoughts never make it upstairs. i finally decided to write about a thought that i've had for many years, and have tried to like a mad man to try to prove it wrong, but to no avail as of yet. that thought is (seriously) about how a man such as myself could get by w/out any real talent. i know u may (or maybe not) know but i was born without any real talents. i've been told by wife (and couple others) that i can talk. not sure where that will help w/the exception of being a politician. since i don't have the talents of being able to screw everybody around me over for my own gain w/out even giving it a second thought, a drinking problem, or the ability to able to lie about everything. i'm thinking politician is outta the question. i don't write about this topic for sympathy's sake. i truly feel life this and pretty much prove it everyday. u may wonder what does this anchor think constitutes a talent these days (since most people out don't seem to have talent, but yet are somehow able to make it). i know they even have a show called "america's got talent". i won't hold it against u if u've never heard of it or watched cause from the couple of times i've have the misfortune of watching most of the acts reminded me of myself and my lack of talent. the anchor is looking at charlie sheen and his talent for not dying (cause it's for amateurs) and having tiger blood and all all i can think about is why not me? i'm not sure what talent the anchor would love to have, had things been differently and i was born with a talent. there are too many talents out there to start listing them all in this little post, but i think all 5 of my beloved blog readers know what talents are. although being able to fly or have x-ray vision would come in handy. i gotta end this post now cause i'm being told by the powers that be i've been spending too much time bloggin and not spending enough time working on developing a talent. so i leave u with a quote by someone who does nothing but be a winner using his talents (don't think they are god given though), charlie sheen "I have real fame. They have nothing. They have zero. They have that night and I will forget about them as the last image of them exits my beautiful home."

Saturday, February 12, 2011


the title is not for the michael moore movie, but to me over the past few days (and some would add for most of my life, but those people aren't part of the elite group of 5 that read this blog, so forget them). it started last friday (the friday prior to yesterday) when my youngest kid took a nap in the afternoon. a nap being something they haven't done for many years. that should have been my first clue something was coming down the pike. that very same night they got a fever as well. on sat the wife stayed home with the youngin so me and my other kiddo could go to my uncle's casa, and see my cousin and his family from the great state of texas. the shin dig was amazing with some of the best food i've eaten in a long time. when leaving the sworay i received a call from the wife saying that she had a sore throat and was starting to get aches in her lower joints. i headed home not thinking of the problem that lay ahead. sunday comes, and the wife is burning up with a fever and feeling achy in all her joints now. this was super bowl sunday and i spent the day taking care of the kiddos who by now had both been running fevers, coughing, and being the usual thorn in my side with their fighting and arguing. by sunday night the mrs's couldn't even get outta bed without my help so i took off monday to take care of the kids while she rested (the kids where to do the same since they are sick n all, but that's another post in itself). on tuesday when i got home it was the same things as before but working even harder to not get myself sick. wed morning i wake up to go to work, only now i've got a sore throat. while i am at work my knees begin to give way in pain and my lower joints start to ache. the scary thing is i know whats coming, so i ask to leave early to stop from further exposing anyone else to it. similar to a werewolf when the full moon starts, i felt this sickness start and progress as the day went. that morning as it grew inside me and thought i knew what i was in for. little did i know..... wed, thurs, fri, and now sat i would be almost completely bed ridden with the flu. luckily i have only had 1 night so far where i spent the evening praying to the porcelain god. all my joints ache, i have horrible coughing fits, and an incredible amount of pain in my chest and back area. for the rest of the my symptoms you can read the poem:I Cannot Go To School Today!by Shel Silverstein. a classic. after being in bed for almost all day today decided i would write this post to let the last 5 readers of this blog know i am still alive (as much as i may not feel like it right now). i can now feel the fever start to creep up but i must wait another hour to go by so i can my meds and go to bed. hopefully by the time i post again i will have gotten over this flu, but not with the help of a silver bullet.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

a corona commercial day

i normally don't talk about my day to day (mainly as not to bore the dwindling 5 readers i still have (if i still do)), but today was a doozi. i have 2 kids with disabilities so i try to be more understanding when it comes to rough days, but today was one for the books, or should i use the lame joke, blog. your right i shouldn't. so to start things off today i was starting in a new dept at work with a new manager and new team. so to my surprise when im in the middle of training and get a call from my older kids school. it's non other than the dean of students or what we referred to in my days as the assistant principal. he was calling just to make sure i knew that my kid was now suspended from riding the bus for running around while the bus was in motion, and that because of his behavior at school i would need to come down to the school and sit with him. im sure my response was met with the same surprise as his call to me when i said no. because of the things happening at my work and training i couldn't leave. i told him i would contact my wife and see if she would be able to come down and sit with our child. i called my wife and let her know what was going on and she let me know that she would do no such thing. after letting the dean of students know her of move to not come down cause she was on her way to work he decided he wouldn't be outdone, and suspend our child for 2 days. fast forward to a little later in my morning after my wife picked up our child and was home getting ready to go back to work with our offspring in tow and as she is telling me whats been going on i get another call from a school. this time it's our younger child who apparently is having some trouble as well. the teacher wanted to let me know that she didn't know what to do after this younger kiddo was banging his head on the wall, breaking the pen needed to do work, refusing to do any work, and then if that wasn't enough, dancing around the room and screaming. i requested to speak to this kiddo, who i refused to do so. all i could hear in the background was this child telling the teacher "no, i don't wanna talk to daddy". i let the teacher know to let em know of the repercussions if the day was not turned around. thinking this is it i can now go back and focus on my new job and finish up my training for the day. a little bit later i get yet another call. it's my wife again, and she lets me know that she now has a lunch break for a few hours at work ( a daycare center) because this kiddo in all his brilliance took a bike from outside on the playground and rode it around the hallways at her work. so she was able to get a break till i was able to get off work and come by to get this thorn in our sides, i mean beautiful, wonderful, well behaved child. after that call i just turned my phone off. fast forward to after school for the younger child, and i go to talk to the teacher to see if this one was at least able to turn it around (unlike the older sibling), and to my dismay (not really) they were unable to . they refused to do any work and was being just as stubborn as the mommy anchor, i mean this papa anchor. so now im here writing about this day while they both sit in their perspective time out spots, stripped of their privileges and freedom. all i can think about are those cornona commercials where there is a couple sitting in chairs or hammocks on a deserted island away from everything looking out into the ocean from a beach. i don't drink alcohol, but thinking of these commercials combined with a day like mine, i can start to see why people drink (especially corona). i ask if your one of my faithful readers and have any suggestions that can help me get some serenity, please do. i am in desperate need of some serenity right now.

Friday, January 28, 2011

the wait is over

you read it right my loyal 7 (probably down to just 3-4 now) readers. i am back in 2011. i bet u thought the yankees losing would be the last you'd read from me (and you probably wanted it to be as well), but your wrong. After a small hiatus im back to lead the way in bad blogs for 2011. survived x-mas, few illnesses, and even some weight loss, all to start off the new year. my wife, i mean santa made the bog mistake of getting the nintendo wii (under the guise of it being a gift for the kids) for x-mas. ever since then this evil item has ripped time and energy from both my wife and me playing super mario bros. most of the time we are having to threaten each other with the cops being called (and the chance of being on tv) to get a turn. all the while the kids are maintaining the residence and taking care of the adult responsibilities. i don't want to bore u anymore than i already have (i can't afford to lose anymore readers). so i will end this one, and hope that the next post will be chalked full of wisdom for each and everyone of my readers (all 3 possibly 4 if im lucky). please drop me a note if you have any suggestions for me to write about, cause i am currently at zero. i do ask that math not be on the list, i know no matter i can't make math interesting n matter how hard i try.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

guess who's back in 2011???

answer forth coming, and soon (or maybe not)!!!!