Thursday, July 7, 2011

what's my identity?

thanks to censorship, what's left of my readers (i am going with the assumption that there is at least one person that reads this blogs besides me, although i have been wrong in the past), is left to read this post rather than my last one. apparently that one did not pass the blog test (didn't even know there was one either) so you are unfortunate to have to read this post instead. recently after watching a sponge bob episode i came to a realization. this realization got me thinking.... what is my identity? seems a simple questions at first, but after thinking and pondering about it for some years now, i've come to the conclusion that at this point in my life i have no real identity. growing up i really liked, actually loved skateboarding. it started when i was in elementary school, after being out of it for a little bit just picked it back up again in middle school, and stuck with it all the way through the first couple years of college. it consumed me all the time. everywhere i went skateboarding (even got so bad that church was included in this list) was at the front and center for me. for most of my life that was all i ate, drank, slept, & lived (with music being at the forefront as well). there was nothing else (as proven by my only girlfriend ever is my wife, and i still don't have a bachelors degree) that could take it's place. then i got my first girlfriend and she became my life (and still is today), and that became my identity. now that i've been married for 10 years with a couple kids my identity has become father & husband (which is nothing to sneeze @), but i feel like there is more to me than just those labels. when i asked the question to my wife the other day in hopes of something more enlightening than just those labels i got...... just those same labels. it seems this is my identity and there seems to be nothing else to create the passion that music and skateboarding did for me. i feel like if i had a better understanding of my true identity then i could finally figure out the most burning questions i have..... "what the heck am i supposed to do with myself as a career?" everyone i know seems to have this question answered and are either working in the field that suits them or working towards it (usually). i have a brother who is very artistic, and who in high school picked up a camera & started snapping photos for class. now he's running his small business as a photographer. there is a close friend who is probably one of the best i have ever seen with working kids. he loves playing and with them & teaching them. today he is of course a teacher and one i wish my kids could have had (when they where in public school). i wish so desperately to find that true passion again that i once had for skateboarding (there is still much love, but the passion isn't what it once was). i would hope that one day (hopefully sooner rather than later) i could find passion & turn that into my identity. if anyone has ideas about my current identity please leave me a comment so that i can use it to try & help me figure it out.

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