Tuesday, August 30, 2011

it's job not job

yesterday was a very stressful day (like most of my days since becoming the anchor) to say the least. it was during this time there was a question posed to me by my better half which i didn't have an answer (not one that satisfied her anyway). i'm going to try to give my answer through this post (since she's one of the five readers of this glorious blog). the question came after a very very very hard day of her working with our two kids who both are (extreme) special needs. the question posed to me by her was "why us?" the reference was regarding why do we have to have all the challenges while everyone it seems has the charmed life she wants so desperately. i gave her my basic answer which happens to also be the truth, and that is cause she married me. a little background on me, if it weren't for bad luck i would have no luck at all. that did just the opposite of what i was hoping for in comforting her. so after going to be bed with a migraine size headache this thought has stuck in the back of my mind. it was still bothering me when i woke up so i gave it greater thought throughout my day today. i think i have an answer for her that hopefully will help her (what little help it may be). today a close friend at work informed me about some issues that arose in his family and the pain he was feeling cause of it. then a little later another good friend was telling me about rumors that where being spread about them and the pain they had been feeling after an incident where someone they cared about really her them & broke the trust they had in them. when listening to these good friends tell me the details about these situations in their life made me think even harder about the question "why us?". it assured me that.... no matter what i think we are not the only ones who have issues in our life. there are definitely people who have more problems in their life than others. i know from my trials (the few trillions i've had thus far) that afterwards i either learn something from it or tried to use it as a learning moment. that doesn't always happen, but i do try. its very hard to do that especially when it seems like the trials are caked on one after another another (which they usually are for me) to find the positive lining. i would just tell my wife if she was reading this post that no one (at least that i know) has the perfect life (although i do have a brother who is as close to perfection as anyone to walk this earth). even he has trials (not as bad as ours but he does have them). when i think there are people who have the perfect life with every advantage and not a grey hair on their head (tidbit of info: my brother doesn't have a grey hair either) that they also don't have what i have (besides bad luck) two of the best and smartest kids on earth. i love them more than anything i ever known in my short life. no matter how frustrating they can be (and they are off the charts in this department) i wouldn't trade them or the experiences we've had with them for anything (cheezy i know). i also have the best wife (even though she might think so). i am very grateful she lowered her standards (really lowered them) to allow herself to share these years together with me. now i'm starting to sound like a bad hallmark card so i will end it now before the last of the five readers stops reading this blog. so dear if you read this know that we are not alone in having problems and as for us it is cause u married me.


  1. Thank you, Jodie, for a wonderful post. I appreciate you and your thoughts...I really do.
