Wednesday, June 1, 2011


today was a special day, and not just for what you the fab five readers of this blog may have thought it was for... june 1 or the first day summer. although here in az it feels like summer 8 months out of the year. no! today was the day i celebrated diez anos with my wife. yes today for those who are not bilingual (as myself), was my (and my wife's) 10 year wedding anniversary. what a crazy 10 years its been. during this time we have moved between 2 diff states, had 2 kids with special needs (they get it from the mother's side of the family - jk rich dad), had my face removed, our oldest removed from public school and home schooled, some college & university degrees, divorce scare (sorry again chetman for that post), and a car engine almost blow up. crazy, yeah most would say that, but this anchor says its just another day in the life of an anchor. as the saying goes if it weren't for bad luck i would have no luck at all. although i would alter that quote a tad and say as long as i got my sweetheart with me then bring on the bad luck (and if you believe in the universe then you would know that the universe has brought me my fair share (and then some more) of bad luck). i know i wouldn't be where i am today without her in my life. not to get all emotional and chick flick style (cause u know this anchor don't play that way), but i am truly grateful to have her by my side helping me along the way of life. my biggest regret is that as an anchor i don't provide the lifestyle that the primadonna deserves. i can see this post is heading into julia roberts movie style, so before he water works begins i want to end this post by letting my wife know how much i love her (although she never reads my blog unless a call comes from the bosses that she needs to get on her to clean things up - refer for my april fool's day post for more on that) and am appreciative of her putting up my shenanigans. love ya sweetheart. happy anniversary, and i will make my next post on our 15 year anniversary.

1 comment:

  1. I do too read your blog! I never comment since I can talk to you in person, but I wanted to comment here and say thanks for the post - it made my day! I love you.
