Monday, August 17, 2009

dance off (or not)!

this past week my loving and wonderful wife has been buggin me to allow her to video myself in the act of getting down, and bogeying on the dance floor, because i dared to speak out on the truth about the idiocracy that is known as "so you think you can dance". during the past seasons it hasn't been an issue in our house cause i worked nights, and wasn't subjected to the ridiculousness of this show, but due to a change in my work schedule i was thrown like a dirty towel into the mix of this show this season. of course i don't dare watch it for fear of losing anymore of my keen brainpower with their mindless dance routines. i know i did several dances for amy during the course of the show this past season, and i couldn't once get her attention, so hopefully now i will. i even went as far as to do a striptease, getting all the way down to just my shorts, only to find her gaze on another man doing a lame choreographed dance. her gaze never even came my way after the routine was done and they broke for commercial. oh well her lose (or so i keep telling myself). i can't for the life of me see how people can sit there, and be shown how to dance, and then wham we are supposed to be wowed by that. to me dancing is very much a spontaneous and has its own flow through the body, not some choreographed moves approved by mtv & teenagers! now i will stop myself & give the proper props to these dancers cause there is some skill level to they are doing, but to waste 3-4 hours a week watching that nonsense is unlogical to me. that being said, my wife thought that because of my trash talk during this last go around on t.v. (yes i have been notified that they are now branching off into the fall, which means fox will become a 24hr / 7 days a week reality nightmare for which the nigel guy from the show will be producing and profiting like a bandit) i should put my stanky leg where my mouth is, and allow her to video tape me doing a dance. she would then post it for everyone to vote to see if i am as good as i say i am. to steal her thunder, i am now putting out a vote for the few readers to my blog: WHO WANTS ME TO UNLEASH THE BEAST, AND DUE TO A DANCE THAT EVERYONE CAN BE IN AWE OF? OR WHO WOULD RATHER THE BEAST STAY LEASHED UP TIGHT? the rules i have are simple, if i can get 23 people (it must at least be 23 & they must be different people) to say yeah or nay to this vote i will let the majority rule. that being said, there has to be at least 23 different people voting, non of this garbage from the show where you can call as much as like (you can, but it only counts 1 time). the vote starts right now, and will be over by this sunday (aug 23) at sometime during the day, i am not sure when, but it will probably be around the time i check this blog. so once again to reiterate, i am having people (a minimum of 23 different to make the vote valid) vote to see if whether or not they want this beast unleashed or if they want to keep the beast contained. if by a miracle i get the 23 votes, and the majority want to see the beast unleashed, then i will post a quick post of a couple tracks to have people vote on, and from there amy will due to the honors of video taping a master at work for the world to see. if not, then oh well, at least we will all know the truth (that the citizens of the Internet couldn't handle double doing the stanky leg). on your marks, get set, let the voting (games) Begin.

p.s. i promise all votes will be counted (but only 1 per person).


  1. OK, my vote is for Jodie to dance. His exact statement (on my blog) was that he could dance just as well as the dancers on the show. He does have some moves, but I personally think it takes a lot of skill to dance. If you're gonna say you can do something, then you should prove it.

  2. You still owe me for that ticket. It's the thought that counts, right?

  3. at this rate, i think its safe to say that the beast will stay leashed up and caged.
