Thursday, August 13, 2009

the true meaning of life, as told by double j

lately i have been contemplating the meaning of life. i’ve been in a deep thinking mode about the reasons why we are all here on earth? where we'll all go after we are six deep into the ground? and what is my (ours) purpose while here on earth? the conclusion i have come to after much contemplation & deep thought is that we are all here as a.................. cruel video game. with my limited exposure to video games having only owned an original nintendo, that came to its early demise due to a group of young kids fighting over who was going to be the players for mario. i still get tears when i think about it. now back to the topic at hand. while i was thinking about which video game is the most similar to each us and this life. my first thought was pac man. as a young kid growing up, my best friend had an arcade pacman in his house for which i would try to play it every chance i could get. that is my usual go to video game, cause of the long amount of time i spent playing it. once again back to the topic i know you are all sitting on the edge of your seat to find out the great insight i have come up with. when playing pacman you are basically running away from some ghosts and eating pellets, and then when you are in a bind you eat a ball, and you can then fight off the ghosts, all the while waiting for a fruit to show, so you can get a few points. after thinking about this game, i decided that it wasn't the game we are all stuck in. then i thought of mario, but there is no real comparisons i can find. the thought of paperboy, by my standards one of the worst games ever made. you throw papers on people porch’s while dodging lame obstacles, repeating over and over again. my thought was wow this is it. my life in a nutshell. but then i thought about how i have had some fun times, and enjoyed most of my life, and i know that by no means is there anything fun or redeeming about paperboy (as far as i am concerned). i was called back into meditation to ponder harder on this topic, and found the one game that i feel is the most comparable with the video game called life..... sonic the hedgehog, for the old sega genesis. here you have a hedgehog who jumps up and down, goes around obstacles, and then go really fast at the same time gathering up coins, and as soon as you get a lot of coins, BOOM, you hit some dumb little object and lose all the coins that you had worked so hard to accumulate. sounds about right to me. please don't fret or get discouraged, cause after you lose all (or most) of your coins, you go back to starting over again. this is repeated over and over again till you have to get up and walk away before you throw something (tv, sega gaming unit, family members, etc), or you win (which in my case never happened). please know that i am not trying to bring everyone down with this post, but quite the contrary, i am trying to inspire everyone to be better, and work harder, so that when your time expires here in this game, you can become the player in the next game. my hope is that when (and if) i ever become the player in a new game, that the game is either contra or double dragon, my personal favorites. adios for now.

p.s. if your interested, i would strongly recommend watching the documentary "king of kong: a fistful of dollars". i think this doc shows how best video games imitate life. a must for everyone with good taste

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