Saturday, October 3, 2009

help wanted

i was watching a movie earlier this week (one that i had seen previously), and my first thought after a few minutes into it is "why am i watching this movie again"? it's been sometime since i last watched (a few years) this film, and i didn't like then. still i spent the next hour and forty minutes (give or take) planted on my bed watching this movie. i don't know if i was expecting it be better than i remembered or just out of plain laziness, but i sat there and finished it for the second with the same results as the first time "i want my hour and forty minutes back". this is the intro for the subject of my post today. i have been thinking long and hard about this with my life (i promise not to go back over my previous post about a similar subject). i have been wondering a great deal how my life has become so complacent. i don't know when it started, but i do know that i need to do somethings different with it or lose more than just the hour and forty five minutes i lost earlier this past week. i know that the first step to getting out of complacently is to first acknowledge it, and then take action against it. with that being said, i leave this post open to all 5 readers (and if there is more, feel free as well) to offer up some suggestions that have worked for you, or if you don't find yourself in the same predicament as myself, you can leave some suggestions that's working for you. please don't think that i am sitting here all depressed (even though it may seem that way). i have just been thinking long hard about how much more my life could be (and hopefully should be), and what the reality of it is. on that note i open it up to the readers of this blog for your help. i thank you in advance for any suggestions offered up to help assist me. please note alcohol and drugs won't help me with this problem, as someone at work suggested (jokingly i hope) this week. till next time. toodle loo

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jodes. Good post. I find myself in that situation a lot. Without getting into anything to heavy, let me just says that at one point not too long ago Dad counseled me to organize my days. I bought a steno notebook for a couple bucks at the grocery store. I keep it with me most of the time. Each day I right down what I need to get done, and what I want to do. When I get ideas I take notes on it. When I run into a lull in the day I review my notebook. I almost always see something written down I need to do still, or some sort of project I want to keep plugging away on to get rich and famous someday. Between checking off the TO DO list and chasing my dreams, I can keep pretty busy... and it feels right. Now I get to go check off another thing in my notebook for today. Later bro.
