Tuesday, October 20, 2009

dum dum dum dum

with this being my last hours prior to turning 3.0, i decided that i would try to reflect on my 20's with a top ten list of "what i can remember memorable moments". now i am going to apologize in advance if i forget something big. my memory isn't the greatest these days. here i go:

1. courting & getting married to amy.

2. both my boys being born (mason's was more memoriable, but that goes without saying).

3. the realization that i wasn't going to be able to ever in this lifetime become a pro skater (that one still hurts to this day).

4. got my associate degree from the world renowned south plains college

5. grew a beard (several times).

6. was in my first films (you can see 2 of them on my facebook).

7. had my 1st computer crash (and hopefully my last).

8. gained weight (lots of it).

9. learned to cook (a few things).

10. finally, i had my face taken off, and then put back on using a titanium plate and screws to make me even uglier than before (if you can imagine).

so there you have, the things that stick out the most (or that i can still remember) from my past decade on earth. it's a sad but true i know, but none the less it's me. take it or leave (just kidding to my 5 readers, i need you to keep reading)it. so long till after i am 3.0 (and to my 20's).
p.s. a couple things i forgot to put i the top ten, but did happen just recently, and are worth noting are:
11. was hit by wife with car (and i saw it coming).
12. hot myself in the eye with a towel, and have some blood & fluids come out (seriously).
now i'm sure that enough foe now. so long to my 20's, hello 3.0's.


  1. jodie you are so "high fidelity". its going to be tough for your 30's to top your 20's

  2. Happy 30's to you. Glad you get to experience it before me. :-)

  3. thanks for the birthday thoughts & wishes. the 20's where good over all, i don't know how the 30's can top them (and with my luck, i don't want to find out either).
