Saturday, December 1, 2012

post thanksgiving fodder

sorry for the last post with regards to thanksgiving, but life has been all hands on deck this year (and especially the past few months). things keep popping up like the game whack a mole, only instead of one head popping up to knock down its three. so in keeping with the thanksgiving theme of giving thanks, this anchor has compiled a short list of somethings i am thankful from this past year. here is the list in no particular order:

1. stern - has done everything possible to makes work bare able

2. vacation - dallas was incredible for this past years vacay time away. spending time with the southern anchors was nothing short of awesome (even if nana cheated at phase 10 - jk). sorry to see big tex go down in flames, but it was great to see him the week before he had those massive hot flashes. we where able to go to the texas state fair and grub on some of the fair foods. my only regret was not eating more of it. spent a great deal of time doing important family stuff (watching baseball/basketball/and football), and the BEST part of it was that we flew there instead of driving it. i can't express in words what a difference that makes.

3.breaking bad - i hate to put a tv show on this list, but this show has brought en me the mrs much closer (mainly cause its the only show she'll watch with me).

4. iphones - the anchor took the plunge to davey jones locker, or what most people call the 21st century this past year, and got a smart phone. as much as i know nothing about it, i started playing words with friends (which i still believe to be inspired by the nazi regime for its only acceptance of whatever words they feel are worthy of being able to be played), and song pop (the one game i can beat the mrs at).

5. family - i know if i leave them out i will be in big trouble, and i really love em. why they don't throw me overboard is nothing short of a miracle.

5. football - nothing is a better distraction from sept through feb.

6. music - kinda broad i know, but it really is a big part of my life, and it helps with beating the misses against song pop.

7. mmt - as i learn more about it the more i am intrigued by how right it is.

8. facebook - i spend so much time this past year (and years previous) on there making stupid comments to family & friends so i had to put it on this list (editors note i do not own stock in facebook as far as i know).

9. my mini anchors - these kiddos keep me going and at the same time always seem to find ways to try and give me a heart attack.

10. last but certainly not least.... mrs anchor - for some reason she hasn't decided to raise the bar in her life and go above sea level for someone more worthy of her attention, but whatever it is i'll take it. she really helps keep my life in perspective which is mainly her perspective. luv u big penguin.

so there is a brief top ten list of things that i am grateful for in the year 2012. as you can guess i have much more to be thankful for, but i really don't feel like writing anymore at this time.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

the talk!

christmas is a jolly time, and the one time a year that this anchor looks forward to. i'm afraid that has since changed with the passing time, and an incident that took place this week. let me back up for a moment and let my reader and a half in on some back story before i go forward and tell u the scary tale only fit to tell on the upcoming holiday that most people celebrate next week (since i am being politically correct i will refer to this holiday as fall break,samhain,fall festival... ok i can't do it... it's halloween).since the births of the mini anchors only 2 things have been able to bring true joy to this anchor, the first is sleep, and the second watching the mini anchors open gifts on x-mas. i can't describe how incredible i feel when i get to see them open up their presents on x-mas, and in a crazy fury thank santa for all the goodies (luckily they never check the trash x-mas morning to see the carrots discarded that where left for rudolph, but i digress). now keep that image in your head as i tell you this story. this year as the mini anchors are getting older (as i am afraid we all do) the question i longed hoped i would never hear from them (besides where do babies come from?), what is the truth of santa? are you guys santa? tell me who is really santa? or any other question related to that. then came the reunion of the anchors fam, and a cousin to the mini anchors floated the idea that mom and dad are santa. with that, the question about santa came up more and now lets fast forward to this week and the incident that has since ruined x-mas for me FOREVER! as the saying goes "while the dogs are away, the mice will play" (i am not a cat person and refuse to put a cat quote on this blog). while at work mrs.anchor took it upon herself to let the dog out of the bag, and tell the oldest mini anchor the truth of santa. how did this anchor find out about this the person and half reader of this blog may ask themselves at this moment, via text message! that's right i got a text message advising me that the dog was now out of the bag with the older. knowing that it was only a matter of time before he tells the younger mini anchor, i cruised home to try to put a stop to the older anchor telling the younger anchor (the older anchor can keep a secret as well as a boat with holes can float .. it's only a matter of time before it sinks). i got home and lectured the older anchor about the need for secrecy (skull & bones society at yale style), but as i knew would be the case, a short time later after bringing up santa every 2 mins for no reason the younger one asked the question. luckily i was not in the room to hear either one of them get the talk. my poor heart couldn't handle it. now when the mini anchors open up presents and get a gift they don't like, i can no longer blame it on santa. they know now that those socks and underwear every year aren't bad gifts from a mythical person who brings joy to all the good girls and boys, but non other than yours truly. also won't be able to give them a bell this year when we do our yearly reading of the polar express, since the bell only rings for those who truly believe!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

don't mess with.........

this anchor had the great pleasure of visiting his home land of texas recently, and was able to create a few new memories, and more importantly create a list of observations. the first observation is to always F L Y (obviously)! the last time i drove there, half of the trip was spent behind the wheel with nothing to show but a larger gut, a sore back, and a rock at the windshield. another observation i have is  is geared towards nolan ryan and the rangers, when i ask you to win, listen. i could go on here about baseball, but i can't fathom losing any more readers (last count showed i'm down to one and half readers these days). an observation for the lady in the porto potty at white rock lake, when your kids tell you there are people waiting, and to hurry up, it is not polite to say back from inside the porto potty (the only one at white rock lake) "tell them to go away" and " they're just going to have to wait" (especially when there is a young child who has to go to the potty very badly). karma will come and get cha (in the form of your son banging on the backside of the porto potty and scaring you (not sure after waiting almost 10 mins at the front of the line what was left to scare out of her). after spending some time with the biggest icon in dallas (i am not talking about jr ewing), but the one and only big tex. i now know what they mean in new orleans when after hurricane katrina, the motto became "we are going to rebuild". i am not sure if the one and half readers knows what tragedy that befell the icon a few days ago, but big tex had a texas size hot flash (joke stolen from fb) after 60 years at the tx fair. he caught fire and in a matter of minutes was engulfed in flames that can only call texas size. ironically one my favorite and oldest shirt (old blue) was what i am wearing when i took picture in front of big tex, and whom had a terrible fate that same day as the picture was taken. after almost 8 years and multiple holes i had to retire old blue to the trash receptacle to pass on. he will be missed for sure. now back to the observations. games are more fun when your not texting the whole time. i'm sorry but it has to be said that texting can't replace the fun of playing games and just spending time joking and telling stories. an observation for the youth of tomorrow (my latest niece, and two nephews), watching sports (especially football) is relaxing, and a wonderful thing to do while on vacation, there is nothing wrong with it (in case you are wondering). one last observation before this old anchor calls it a night, and that is whenever you need a belt for a trip make sure to pack the belt YOURSELF! i can't emphasize this enough. the poor airport workers good names where tarnished cause i did not pack my belt myself. tell next year texas, adios amigo.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

guess who's back?

now that the smoke has cleared, and i can see half of this anchor's top are missing (spots from it are all over the wall and ceiling). i now seem to be in a very different place (or state of mind for that matter). seems i can now levitate, and transport right through walls. as i am reading my last blog past about how different my life turned out, it seems i may have not thought this whole thing all the way through. funny how now playing an instrument doesn't seem to matter. even without playing in a band (or an instrument for that matter) i can still say in this state that i was at least friends with some of greatest musicians. i was friends with member's from the famed bands the ghost gamblers, the newton gang, maynard and the musties, superspy, idk, office of the future plans, and the chaffin - poelings. reminiscence of not being a director of indie movies doesn't seem to matter much since i was involved with an indie movie that won awards for best mocumentary and best ensemble cast (it took a call from my wife to get my mom to believe it though). i made the mistake of looking in the mirror and seeing these beautiful locks now and realized how much i hate dealing with taking care of hair. so much simpler to wake up and not have to spend half a morning making it look presentable. now that i don't have feet cause i'm flying everywhere, i sure do miss my feet and being to chase my kids around while playing tag with them, and losing in 21 on the old b ball courts with friends. i know now how much of a mistake thinking a bachelor and being without kids is. the feeling of loss without them now runs so deep. i would give anything to just have a moment more with them. funny how that works! now it looks like someone else is going to have to clean up my mess (and hopefully it won't be euronymous). all i can say now is "excuse all the blood, cheers", and i also apologize for firing a weapon indoors.

Sunday, August 19, 2012


sometimes i wonder what my life was supposed to be like (courtesy of this anchor's vivid imagination) rather than how it's playing out in real time. i say this only cause as of late i have had such feelings that only get stronger and stronger that this anchor is going in the opposite direction (like a ship at sea during a storm with the captain or gilligan at the helm) of what he set out to be. according to my vivid imagination, i should be a bachelor and kid free (with the exception of friends and nieces/nephews). my hair would long beautiful golden locks that flows in the breeze, and would be at a minimum of at least to the shoulder if not a bit longer. of course i wouldn't be able to wear shirts cause with my muscles there isn't enough fabric to make a shirt to cover them up. i would be a top indie filmmaker with the likes of smith, tarantino, the coen brothers, anderson, jonez, and holt hamilton. i would live a life much like vincent chase on entourage (prior to seasons 7-8). i would get mistaken all the time for brad pitt or a male model. my athleticism would rival that the self proclaimed ultimate athlete bolt usin (sic). of course i would also be a touring muscian playing with the greats like the ghost gamblers, the newton gang, maynard and the musties, and superspy. now back to the reality, cause like ben stiller found out reality bites! at least he was fortune it enuff to find out on a great 90's movie (with a killer soundtrack). now of days this anchor has a hard time wearing a shirt, but its not cause of lack of fabric for my muscles but my gut and grimace figure (minus the purple). my beloved bachelor days long since past (11 years and counting) which now includes a couple rug rats. i've been fortune it enuff to be a small character in several friends small indie films, but have not directed one of my own (unless you count my music video for film editing class at community college). the long flowing hairs have to turned into stubble the likes walter white had prior to taking a razor and shaving it off after going through chemo. my athleticism goes without saying when you read about a lack of fabric to clothe me. the fact that i don't own or never have owned an instrument, and or taken any lessons pretty lets you know as one of 2 blog readers for this blog that playing with the big timers like the groups mentioned above is def out of the question. they only accept the best to play with them like yale & oxford. i'm sure the 2 people reading this are by now wondering why i haven't used the 2nd amendment rights on myself or made use of the hog rope in my garage,  and the reason i haven't is.............

Saturday, July 28, 2012

living Einstein's quote (4 real)

i have come to the decision that the person who said “insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results” is a genius. i know i am guilty of such actions. i have been thinking about this concept lately, and realizing more and more that i am in fact living einstein's quote. i have kids who don't believe in sleeping (i haven't been able to prove they aren't vampires), yet most nights i put them to bed with the same expectation that they will go to sleep and catch some zzzzzzzz's. i get up for work mon - fri expecting in part to provide for my family and yet my kids looks they belong next to sally struthers in a feed the kids commercial. each day i come home worried my exceptional wife has figured out how low the bar she set when married me and has run off with someone more suited for her. each year i think there can't possibly be another incredibly horrible season of the worst show EVER, and yet i am always shocked when the teenie boppers and my wife keep glee on the air. something else that fits this same pattern for me is weight loss. last year i really shocked myself when i got out of this pattern and experienced some actual weight loss. being true to this quote though i went right back to my old eating habits and laziness and before i knew it almost all the pounds i subtracted where added. for financial people, all the credits now have debits that zeroed out whatever progress i just made. with this weight gain i've recaptured my old oval shape. i don't have much going for me these days in the way of looks, but last year with the weight loss at least i felt better about myseld and felt that i was looking better (imagine that!). i was (at least in my head) punxsutawney phil and i popped out of my hole in life and was not seeing my shadow so i was ready for an early spring. i would finally be getting out my hole from all these winter months (actually years), but like phil connors i'm back to living the same day everyday (or so it seems to me). as much as i would like to groundhognap punxsutawney phil  and crash into a quarry while being chased by police at high speeds, i know it's only a movie (a really great one which this anchor recommends if ur interested). unfortunately for me it means that instead of doing a weather report i need to get back on the bandwagon of better eating habits, exercise, and eating smaller food rations. my hope is i can become more like phil connors after he spills the beans to rita about his day (s) being the same, and starts to makes those changes in his life for the better which eventually leads to his repetitive day (feb 2nd) changing into a brand new day (feb 3rd). i know i've had enough with feb 2nd's in my life, and i am definitely ready for a feb 3rd.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

antichrist fever

after some research, pondering, deep thinking, and then more research i feel i have found the answer to an ageless question: "who is the antichrist"? the answer didn't come to me over nite (although probably should have) or within a few days. the simple fact that this person has a career should have been a huge red flag that something wasn't correct. some of the scriptures found in the King James Version of The Bible that helped me best come to this conclusion are: Daniel 8:25; 11:21 "By peace he shall destroy many," and "he shall come in peaceably and obtain the kingdom by flatterers"and Romans 1:25  "Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen". Another great scripture Daniel 7:8  "I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things" sums up a lot of this person (or evil being whichever you prefer). with my research i was able to determine one scripture that was removed from The Bible. the scripture comes from The King James of version The Bible, and it comes from 1st Double J 1:1 "And the Anti Christ will come to the factory of fantasy and prove himself lame and a tool. they will use this lame power over they who created the factory of fantasy, and will use them to help promote their new fragrances and horrible upcoming music album". s you guessed it was removed cause it would have been too obvious as to who it was. non other than justin bieber. some more things that helped me come to this determination are that he was stabbed and yet has no wounds from this incident. there is a documentary called millennium fever about the antichrist, and people have been known to faint from bieber fever. one last thing that i felt was a slam dunk was the simple fact that you can't tell if they are male or female. take a look and you decide.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

anniversary time

recently i got the privilege of celebrating a stone (not quite a mile yet). that stone is for 11 years for marriage bliss. i know the only reader i have left could more than likely careless, but since i'm feeling sentimental that's just going to have to be too bad. over the past 11 years with mrs. anchor we have been though trials (that's putting it mildly): a couple demons... i mean children, car catching fire, foreclosure, me loosing some hair (let's just say i tried out for the new mr.clean), various surgeries including face removal, me being in a feature film (and was not as the anchor unfortunately), moving in with my parents (next will have to move in with my in laws), many many many sick days, an alleged divorce according to a blog post, and a multitude of other events (some good and some not so good). through it all we are still here standing together. i love my wife very much and only have 1 thing to say to her.....

Saturday, May 19, 2012

groovy tunes

2 posts in one day after 5 month hiatus, i bet u feel lucky to be the only reader of this blog. i was realizing it's been sometime since i last updated my music playlist on this blog so i knew it was time. i dug down deep to remember my early days of getting my groove on, and i knew i had only 1 choice..... la bouche! they would get this anchor moving in ways never known to man(for better or worse). i also had to throw in haddaway to bring back the roxbury as well (cause we all know la bouche & haddaway go hand n hand). so enjoy the groovy tunes while u read and feel free to cut a rug while ur at it (or for rich dad u can do donuts in ur new ride). im actually getting my dance swagger back while i write this post and listening to these tunes again. i posted this picture cause that anchor in blue looks (and dresses) like this anchor when the club comes a callin. enjoy the tunes!

rich dad's new ride

i know i couldn't leave my last reader holding onto that last post since it was such a downer, so this anchor is back with a follow up post to bring back the good vibes to this blog. when i wrote that last post that whole story with my old neighbor had just happened, and was weighing heavy (like my figure in real life) on me. now its time for the anchor to get back to the basics. lately i've been thinking about my rich dad, he's not my real dad by birth, but by marriage. he's been having such a great time having family stay with him, and it makes me wish everyday we could live with rich dad as well (mainly to save money), but also to spend time with him. rich dad survived the hot summer of utah years ago with brutha money and has told his Herring story to those who will listen in hopes of avoiding history repeating itself. rich dad was forced to sit in a car with no air conditioning while traveling through the hot deserts of utah with brutha money. not knowing what to do when faced with heat exhaustion he did was any rich dad would do.... roll down the windows and hope and pray for the ride to be over with soon. soon was almost not enuff time, but luckily he survived. rich dad recently got a new ride that has this anchors jealous. rich dad made sure that his new ride had plenty of air conditioning so no one ever has to sit through a ride like that again with him at the wheel. pics enclosed at the top of the post to see why rich dad is so wise. rich dad we love u down in brutha money land. can't wait till we have our chance to live with u and have u enjoy our company as much as ur getting to the others these days. good nite rich dad from brutha money aka the anchor.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

guess who's back????

i know it's been awhile, but i'm afraid for all the haterz this anchor is still alive and kicking. i'm sure by now i am down to 1 reader (if even that), so i know i gotta make this post one of my best. unfortunelty for that 1 reader i doubt this is that great of a post. last week was definelty a week that i will never forget. i came home from work like most mondays - fridays on thurs and i logged onto my facebook as i usally do (i have a very boring life), and several people had statuses about a shooting in a neighboring town. as i read through the story to see what was going on with this headline. it tore my little heart to hear that there was a family, a mom and her daughter, her daughters fiance, and their little 16 (or 18 depending on which headline u read) month old all shot dead. out here in anchorville shootings are the norm and unfortelty are headlines any day ending in y. this story stuckout so much cause the person who committed the mass murder. the shooter who turned the gun on himself and killed himself to make it an even 5 dead was............. my old neighbor. in a blink 3 generations of a family where all taken off this earth. i know how unfunny this post is as opposed to my norm, but this story that took place last week is still has me in shock. since i know this post is such a buzzkill i will end it, but i will give some hope for my 1 blog reader that im back and i will try to post more and be more anchor style in my writings. adios.