Tuesday, May 8, 2012

guess who's back????

i know it's been awhile, but i'm afraid for all the haterz this anchor is still alive and kicking. i'm sure by now i am down to 1 reader (if even that), so i know i gotta make this post one of my best. unfortunelty for that 1 reader i doubt this is that great of a post. last week was definelty a week that i will never forget. i came home from work like most mondays - fridays on thurs and i logged onto my facebook as i usally do (i have a very boring life), and several people had statuses about a shooting in a neighboring town. as i read through the story to see what was going on with this headline. it tore my little heart to hear that there was a family, a mom and her daughter, her daughters fiance, and their little 16 (or 18 depending on which headline u read) month old all shot dead. out here in anchorville shootings are the norm and unfortelty are headlines any day ending in y. this story stuckout so much cause the person who committed the mass murder. the shooter who turned the gun on himself and killed himself to make it an even 5 dead was............. my old neighbor. in a blink 3 generations of a family where all taken off this earth. i know how unfunny this post is as opposed to my norm, but this story that took place last week is still has me in shock. since i know this post is such a buzzkill i will end it, but i will give some hope for my 1 blog reader that im back and i will try to post more and be more anchor style in my writings. adios. 

1 comment:

  1. Sad news double J. Didn't realize you used to live down the street from him.
