Thursday, March 31, 2011

some bad news

this anchor always look at best in situations (or at least as much as i possibly can), but im afraid i have troubling news. after a heated discussion last night with my wife, she has this anchor to dock at another harbor. seems my attitude of a late, and some stupid choices i made recently where enuff to put her over the top.i know im not perfect (as perfect as any anchor can be i guess), but i guess i didn't realize how bad things had gotten. i am going to wait till sat to move out so as to not upset the kids school week. still not sure how to break the news to them yet, but i still have a little bit more time to figure that out. if any of my 5 readers read this post keep this anchor in your prayers and thoughts. things are going to get real ruff on the open seas. also if any of the readers know of cheap housing that's a real plus right now as well. i will keep u posted on all updates. i know things will get better, just not sure when. for my five dear readers please pray for me. i truly appreciate it.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

march madness

as u can tell by the title it is the month of march, and madness has begun (and not just for ncaa hoops). this past week was spring break, and now the madness will ensue. i have had from last friday (march 11) till tomorrow (march 20) off of work to spend some time with foreign creatures known as my children. now this time off was supposed to be down time for me (since i haven't had a vacation for several years), but little did i know what was to be in store this week. at the last minute (sat march12) got a call from my mom to say why don't u and kids come on down to their house where we can have a family gathering. let me back up things up just a few before i touch base on the family gathering. my wife's hooptie, i mean vehicle broke down the week before and so we used my car to get me to work (@ 4 in the morn), and pick her up from work (@7 at night). all the while making sure the kids got to where they needed to be at the same time. crazy week indeed. word came back that week from our mechanic that the car was done for. the cost to fix the car was about 10 times the cost of the car itself. so back to sat the 12th we get a company to give us 200 bones for the car & they towed it from the dealership from where the car had been parked all week due to being broken down. now back to the phone call from my mom to come to their place for the weekend. my wife had to stay back due to we would be there till tuesday (march the 15th) and she had to work on monday. so me and the boys where able to pick a ride with one of my older bro's and his fam who headed up on sunday. my younger bro and his fam traveled from texas to be here for spring break. they got in sat night, and my oldest bro and his fam traveled to my parents house on friday, so both of them and their fams were already there when we arrived sun morn. so many things happened from sunday through tues with myself and all my fam, that i am only gonna give a few highlights. the first one is that almost everyone was sick, so needless to say i got sick as well and have been sick this week. only fevers and bad headaches, no nausea (thank goodness). on monday we went as the johnson clan to goldwater lake in prescott (one of this anchor's old jobsites). did some hiking around the lake and threw snowballs. there were several couples out there walking their dogs around the lake, and there was an english bulldog which i fell in love with. she was so cute and smart. as soon as one of boys went by her she'd run for her life. tuesday was travel to anthem and have a day at the park celebrating my nephews upcoming b-day. so spent the day at the park and then went to the asu vs. ok sooners baseball game that evening with my dad, my bros and their older kids and me and my kiddos. game was great (what i could see between making potty trips for my kids and fighting cousins). wed and thurs i was home in bed for the most part still trying to get over being sick. watched some netflix with the kids and played wii. now i am feeling better today (sat march19th) but now my supposed down time will come to an end tomorrow and the madness of work will begin again. after writing this blog for my final four blog readers i think just trying to keep up with my bracket is a vacation in itself. till next time go kansas (who i picked to take it all).

Friday, March 4, 2011

not sure about this post

as i am sitting on this beautiful backside i was blessed with i am having a hard time trying to find a good idea that i should post about. my thoughts first go to things that are currently happening with me, but as u may (or may not) know my wife blogs ad nausea about those things and i don't want to bore, i mean go back over those things. my thoughts then turn to those burning questions that will solve all mankind's ill. for those who know me know those thoughts never make it upstairs. i finally decided to write about a thought that i've had for many years, and have tried to like a mad man to try to prove it wrong, but to no avail as of yet. that thought is (seriously) about how a man such as myself could get by w/out any real talent. i know u may (or maybe not) know but i was born without any real talents. i've been told by wife (and couple others) that i can talk. not sure where that will help w/the exception of being a politician. since i don't have the talents of being able to screw everybody around me over for my own gain w/out even giving it a second thought, a drinking problem, or the ability to able to lie about everything. i'm thinking politician is outta the question. i don't write about this topic for sympathy's sake. i truly feel life this and pretty much prove it everyday. u may wonder what does this anchor think constitutes a talent these days (since most people out don't seem to have talent, but yet are somehow able to make it). i know they even have a show called "america's got talent". i won't hold it against u if u've never heard of it or watched cause from the couple of times i've have the misfortune of watching most of the acts reminded me of myself and my lack of talent. the anchor is looking at charlie sheen and his talent for not dying (cause it's for amateurs) and having tiger blood and all all i can think about is why not me? i'm not sure what talent the anchor would love to have, had things been differently and i was born with a talent. there are too many talents out there to start listing them all in this little post, but i think all 5 of my beloved blog readers know what talents are. although being able to fly or have x-ray vision would come in handy. i gotta end this post now cause i'm being told by the powers that be i've been spending too much time bloggin and not spending enough time working on developing a talent. so i leave u with a quote by someone who does nothing but be a winner using his talents (don't think they are god given though), charlie sheen "I have real fame. They have nothing. They have zero. They have that night and I will forget about them as the last image of them exits my beautiful home."