Wednesday, November 3, 2010


well a few things have taken place since my last post. the yankees lost their way to the world series this year, and by default my next favorite team became the giants. i watched almost all the games of the world series, and have to say that im very disappointed. for starters the rangers where a beast against the yankees, only to lay down and do next to nothing against the giants. cliff lee who was the talk of the town (besides lincecum) faded into almost nothing status in the series. it was sad cause as bad as i wanted to see the rangers lose for what they did to the yankees, i wanted to see cliff lee pitch like he had against the yankees series. i was hoping to see a 7 game series come down to extra innings. oh well oh well. the one great thing about the series was the giants bull pen. i only knew lincecum, and was blown away more by cain & bumgarner than lincecum. there is always next year for the yanks to redeem themselves (and add cliff lee to their bull pen). as far as other things that have happened, i had a b-day, and like all the others before, just a reminder to me of another year down with nothing to show for it. although i do prefer a year like this last one more so than the one from 2008. that's when i had surgery and my boys where diagnosed as special needs as well as some other fun things i chose to not be reminded of. the suns my b-ball team are showing they may be @ 500 this season. now keep in mind i will be glad if they make 500, and the sad thing is that they where in the conference finals last year. the cardinals are right there just under 500 this season. the reason for the sports talk is that it's broughten the most happiness to me lately. sad but true. friends and fam are excluded from this list cause u guys should already know where u rank on my list (towards the bottom for some). had a house warming party which was awesome. had my bros & there fams as well as my parents and my grandma all over. bbq some burgers & doggs and enjoyed college football while the kids ransacked the house destroying everything in their path. it was great. well i got nothing else now. as u can see nothing of excitement has been going on with me. and for me that's a good thing. seems when things get exciting it's usually not a good thing. i know the election just took place and of course i voted so i can complain about how things continue to be the same, for which i am confident they will continue to be (just being a realist). sorry for the boring post. hopefully i will have more exciting tings next time. adios

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