Friday, September 24, 2010

the weight is over

to all my 7 readers, i am back (at least for the time being)! i know you've been waiting on bended knee to hear the latest nonsense from me, and i'm sorry to say that this post probably won't be worth the wait, or should i say weight. saying that "life has been a little crazy lately" is nothing short of the understatement of the year for me. the past 2 months have provided more excitement (not in a good way) than i have had in all my life. the unfortunate thing for you the reader is that my wife has already blogged at ad nausea about it so much that i will spare you the details. if your interested in the details go read her blog (nothing brings her more happiness that to look at the bottom of her blog at the "executive desk" to see how many have looked at her blog). the sad thing is that that even with her being with me or the kids, she would still rather be looking at that, and her blog than us. onto what i was going to post about today. the subject of my post today is about a milestone that took place in my life (to show you how sad my life is) about a week ago. i accomplished something that i had failed to do on many occasions prior. i went for a whole year without a soda (2 sips that took place in an emergency situations only). i have substituted soda in my life with more water and juices. the sad thing is that with such an accomplishment, my body figure is probably in the worst shape. i would have thought that giving up something that is so loaded with sugar (very delicious sugar) and has no real health benefit i would have at least dropped a few pounds or lost some of my gut, but to my dismay this hasn't happened. i am now trying to figure out what other alterations are needed in order to lose some of this gut. if any of my 7 readers have ideas beside the usual eat healthier and exercise (although i'm pretty sure that would for do it), please let me know (i'm all ears or should i say eyes as i will more than likely be reading them. it feels good to be back guys.

1 comment:

  1. You have to admit I've cut back considerably on my blog time lately. Yay for a year without soda! More than I've accomplished, that's for sure.
