Saturday, February 13, 2010

my take on v-day - by the anchor of love

i have decided i too would weigh in on the whole valentine days, and whether or not it's a waste. my thought is this.... do we really need a day to celebrate love? i ask this as i share with you the latest stats that i heard recently about love. 1 in every 2 marriages end in divorce, and as of 2009, the stats show that teen pregnancy has hit it's highest point in history and is on the rise. a holiday to celebrate more of this, i think not. in full disclosure i do have a brother who happens to have been born on valentines a couple years ago, and i am sure that he feels different from me. with that being said, i really think we should either do away with valentines day holiday, or make it a federal holiday where we get to have a day off of from work, or receive a floating holiday if it falls on a weekend. i know the service industry/hallmark/& flower industry are probably with my brother and are against me on this, and think im crazy to have said such a thing, but they also have a stake in this holiday, being one of the their biggest moneymaking days of the year. i on the other hand have no stake in this holiday at all. i think there should be a petition sent to d.c. letting congress know that we, the people of this country want to make v-day a federal holiday. now lets rise up in the streets and make this happen (all 5 of us). i shall end on this note and its a quote about love that i feel sums it all up: "love hurts, love scars, love wounds, and marks, any heart not tough or strong enough to take a lot of pain, love is like a cloud, holds a lot of rain". have a happy valentines day all you lovers out there. and remember the hoff love's you, and you, and you, and you!

1 comment:

  1. i concur about vday but wouldn't go as far as wanting it a federal holiday. its fun to have the kids do valentine's but anything beyond that is just silly stuff.
