Tuesday, February 9, 2010


for the 5 that have been waiting on mouse and keyboard to hear what stupid thing this anchor will post next, well the wait is up. i'm hear to add on to a previous post i wrote about reading. well i'm here to say that i have read 2 whole books so far this year. this may sounds like a minor accomplishment (and you wouldn't be far off base), but for me with my reading on the decline over the years instead of increasing as it was a few short years ago, this is quite the accomplishment. so encase you where wondering what book's caught my eye, they are: "i drink for a reason" by david cross & "behind the bell" by dustin diamond. they are both pretty crass books, so i don't recommend them to the faint of heart. i enjoyed david's book especially for his humor (which happens to be somewhat in my way of thinking about humor), but was very disappointed with dustin's book. being the sbtb fan that i am i was looking for some real insight into the behind the scenes of the show as well as some insight into screech. instead it was nothing more than a hatchet job for everyone who worked with him. there was very little insight behind the show. the worst part was i felt all it was dustin trying to make himself out to be more of a man than i imagine he really is (sorta speak). as i close i would like to ask (plead with 5 readers of this blog) to please send me some book recommendations. i'm in the process of trying to find the next book to read. adios.


  1. You should give "Surely you're joking, Mr Feynman" a go.

  2. thanks for the tip, i have that book being sent to me right now from the library, and should arrive the beginaing of next week. any other book tips (anyone) please let me know cause im starting to go bakc into drought mode.
