Saturday, June 9, 2012

antichrist fever

after some research, pondering, deep thinking, and then more research i feel i have found the answer to an ageless question: "who is the antichrist"? the answer didn't come to me over nite (although probably should have) or within a few days. the simple fact that this person has a career should have been a huge red flag that something wasn't correct. some of the scriptures found in the King James Version of The Bible that helped me best come to this conclusion are: Daniel 8:25; 11:21 "By peace he shall destroy many," and "he shall come in peaceably and obtain the kingdom by flatterers"and Romans 1:25  "Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen". Another great scripture Daniel 7:8  "I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things" sums up a lot of this person (or evil being whichever you prefer). with my research i was able to determine one scripture that was removed from The Bible. the scripture comes from The King James of version The Bible, and it comes from 1st Double J 1:1 "And the Anti Christ will come to the factory of fantasy and prove himself lame and a tool. they will use this lame power over they who created the factory of fantasy, and will use them to help promote their new fragrances and horrible upcoming music album". s you guessed it was removed cause it would have been too obvious as to who it was. non other than justin bieber. some more things that helped me come to this determination are that he was stabbed and yet has no wounds from this incident. there is a documentary called millennium fever about the antichrist, and people have been known to faint from bieber fever. one last thing that i felt was a slam dunk was the simple fact that you can't tell if they are male or female. take a look and you decide.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

anniversary time

recently i got the privilege of celebrating a stone (not quite a mile yet). that stone is for 11 years for marriage bliss. i know the only reader i have left could more than likely careless, but since i'm feeling sentimental that's just going to have to be too bad. over the past 11 years with mrs. anchor we have been though trials (that's putting it mildly): a couple demons... i mean children, car catching fire, foreclosure, me loosing some hair (let's just say i tried out for the new mr.clean), various surgeries including face removal, me being in a feature film (and was not as the anchor unfortunately), moving in with my parents (next will have to move in with my in laws), many many many sick days, an alleged divorce according to a blog post, and a multitude of other events (some good and some not so good). through it all we are still here standing together. i love my wife very much and only have 1 thing to say to her.....