Friday, December 30, 2011

u.n. resolution time

on the eve of the eve of the upcoming new year this anchor is in reflective mode. although after reflecting on things i'm seeing my thoughts turn southward. thinking back over the past few years, and the resolutions i have made for myself, and realizing that i haven't reached any of them (or so little progress that it's not worth mentioning). Usually i would pick ones like.... lose weight, get healthy, stop abusing drugs & alcohol, spend more time with my family, learn how to salsa and then compete in salsa dancing contests. since i haven't met those resolutions in the past except not abusing drugs and alcohol (which i've never done to start with cause i figure my body is in bad enuff shape as it is don't need any help with that). so this year i've set the bar so low that for me not to achieve these goals would be the equivalent of me not being the anchor. i've put alot of thought into what areas of my life need the most improvements, but since there are so many i'm going with just what i think will work (hopefully) in the upcoming year. as with all of my lists they are in no particular order:

resolution#1 - i'm not going to take a salsa dance class and or compete in salsa dancing competitions (just watch me on this one not do it).

resolution#2 - i'm not going to lose weight (i've done a good job of blowing that this second half of the year already).

resolution#3 - i'm going to find my doppelgänger, and see which one of us has the better life.

resolution#4 - continue my hair loss (u maybe seeing this anchor on curb your enthusiasm at the rate its leaving my top these days).

resolution#5 - continue listening to nothing but good music (no matter how much the wife tries to tempt me with bad glee covers ruining classics & maroon 5. i won't give in).

resolution#6 - no divorce hoax posts on april fools (can't guarantee there won't be any throughout the rest of 2012 though. i don't think i've made my father in law happier though (just kidding rich dad).

resolution#7 - i will not watch the osbournes (as much as i love ozzy, i just bring myself to watch that show).

resolution#8 - i plan on reading at least 2 books (hopefully more, but i'm working with baby steps).

resolution#9 - i am going to determine a career and then work on getting myself in that field (i'm serious cause i know how much everyone around me hates hearing me talk about this topic).

resolution#10 - and my final resolution in 2012 for this anchor is work on getting a 6th reader for the blog (and hopefully keep the 5 current readers on board).

so hopefully this time next year i can say that i've accomplished these goals, but time will tell. have a happy new year to all 5 readers of this blog, and may your 2012 be more fulfilling than a overstuffed grilled burrito from taco bell. till next year... adios!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

x-mas list

this has been a long year, but now that its almost x-mas and the end f 2011 i find myself reflecting hard on my actions this past year. as i ponder these previous actions something has become abundantly clear.... ive been very naughty. i'm pretty sure santa won't even bring me coal this year (more than likely he will bring me a lecture or two). since getting something new and shiny from santa is probably out of the question this time around. considering santa won't have the time to read my list this year i figured i would show it to my favorite (and only) 5 readers of this blog. this is in no particular order:

- the gift of music (nuthing makes me happier than great music)

-the gift of sleep (in high demand for me these days since the supply side is short and the demand is def high)

- the gift of peace (my boys do more fighting than al queda, or so it seems. at least they can play with each other afterwards with all the their limbs in tact and no missing family members - bad yes i know, but like i said ive been and this year might as well keep the streak going)

- the gift of a cardinals super bowl (since they are all but out, i figured they have been naughty as well.)

- the gift of critical thinking (something ive def been lacking (and not just lately))

- the final gift is the gift of friendship (with the holidays being around and being in contact with several old friends and acquaintances made this anchor long for something more than just being docked).

hopefully next year i will mind my p's & q's (or whatever this anchor needs to do) to have santa take a look at my list. to all 5 readers have a merry x-mas / hanukkah / kwanzaa, and happy new year. i am hoping that there might be 6 readers next year.

Friday, December 16, 2011

women are crazy

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii think women are crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

about time

the anchor is back by popular demand. the masses (all 5 of them) have spoken and said they needed to have more of the anchor in their life so here i am to give it to them (this is with the assumption that the 5 readers are still reading this blog). just to bring everyone up to speed on what the anchor has been going through these past few months here are some quick updates:

halloween - took the anchors out trick or treating, and we still have candy from it (some of that is thanks to my umbro who donated his kids candy to the cause).

t-day - what a great week thanksgiving was. it started out with getting up extra early the friday before t-day and driving almost 14 hours to my umbro's in texas. we got chill with his family and ate like kings (which was a theme that carried though out that whole week) for a few days. while there on the old stomping grounds we where able to go and visit friends cassanda and cecil. now being back there and spending time with them made me miss the great friends we had in tejas. since being in az it just hasn't been the same (but we'll chat about that in another post). cassandra was gracious enuff to take the time to take our family pics (some of the pics maybe used in a future post). after the few days we traveled to see the outlaws, and the rest of my wife's family. this included staying with the outlaws and watching quite a bit of football (thanks again to the outlaws). we ate like kings there as well. the wife abandoned me, my father in law & umbro in law and left us with the kiddos. we worked it like champs with those kids. so to make mends with the males, the ladies took the kiddos out so the guys could do what guys do best.... talk and argue (mainly argue). i had a great time, and sure learned quite a bit. i know i wasn't expecting to learn so much, but this anchor goes by the old adage that everyday i should learn something new (that week should have me filled up for several months). t-day brought more eating (like royalty again) and spending time with the outlaws and my wife's extended family. i had the displeasure of seeing the cowgirls win (luckily i was able to have that rectified by watching the beloved cardinals beat them in o.t., but that's for another post as well). fast forward to sun post t-day and 14 hours again traveling back home. got a rock (i still think it was a baseball) to the windshield.

post t-day - since then ive been busy with work. got to spend this past sun with my grandma eating enchiladas and spanish rice. we got to spend a few days watching my neice and nephews the past week. other than ive been watching football and my tv shows.

i apologize that this post is so boring, but with so much happening to this anchor (mostly boring stuff) i figured i would do a catch up post. have a merry x-mas (or whatever the 5 readers celebrate & a happy new year.