Saturday, February 12, 2011


the title is not for the michael moore movie, but to me over the past few days (and some would add for most of my life, but those people aren't part of the elite group of 5 that read this blog, so forget them). it started last friday (the friday prior to yesterday) when my youngest kid took a nap in the afternoon. a nap being something they haven't done for many years. that should have been my first clue something was coming down the pike. that very same night they got a fever as well. on sat the wife stayed home with the youngin so me and my other kiddo could go to my uncle's casa, and see my cousin and his family from the great state of texas. the shin dig was amazing with some of the best food i've eaten in a long time. when leaving the sworay i received a call from the wife saying that she had a sore throat and was starting to get aches in her lower joints. i headed home not thinking of the problem that lay ahead. sunday comes, and the wife is burning up with a fever and feeling achy in all her joints now. this was super bowl sunday and i spent the day taking care of the kiddos who by now had both been running fevers, coughing, and being the usual thorn in my side with their fighting and arguing. by sunday night the mrs's couldn't even get outta bed without my help so i took off monday to take care of the kids while she rested (the kids where to do the same since they are sick n all, but that's another post in itself). on tuesday when i got home it was the same things as before but working even harder to not get myself sick. wed morning i wake up to go to work, only now i've got a sore throat. while i am at work my knees begin to give way in pain and my lower joints start to ache. the scary thing is i know whats coming, so i ask to leave early to stop from further exposing anyone else to it. similar to a werewolf when the full moon starts, i felt this sickness start and progress as the day went. that morning as it grew inside me and thought i knew what i was in for. little did i know..... wed, thurs, fri, and now sat i would be almost completely bed ridden with the flu. luckily i have only had 1 night so far where i spent the evening praying to the porcelain god. all my joints ache, i have horrible coughing fits, and an incredible amount of pain in my chest and back area. for the rest of the my symptoms you can read the poem:I Cannot Go To School Today!by Shel Silverstein. a classic. after being in bed for almost all day today decided i would write this post to let the last 5 readers of this blog know i am still alive (as much as i may not feel like it right now). i can now feel the fever start to creep up but i must wait another hour to go by so i can my meds and go to bed. hopefully by the time i post again i will have gotten over this flu, but not with the help of a silver bullet.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

a corona commercial day

i normally don't talk about my day to day (mainly as not to bore the dwindling 5 readers i still have (if i still do)), but today was a doozi. i have 2 kids with disabilities so i try to be more understanding when it comes to rough days, but today was one for the books, or should i use the lame joke, blog. your right i shouldn't. so to start things off today i was starting in a new dept at work with a new manager and new team. so to my surprise when im in the middle of training and get a call from my older kids school. it's non other than the dean of students or what we referred to in my days as the assistant principal. he was calling just to make sure i knew that my kid was now suspended from riding the bus for running around while the bus was in motion, and that because of his behavior at school i would need to come down to the school and sit with him. im sure my response was met with the same surprise as his call to me when i said no. because of the things happening at my work and training i couldn't leave. i told him i would contact my wife and see if she would be able to come down and sit with our child. i called my wife and let her know what was going on and she let me know that she would do no such thing. after letting the dean of students know her of move to not come down cause she was on her way to work he decided he wouldn't be outdone, and suspend our child for 2 days. fast forward to a little later in my morning after my wife picked up our child and was home getting ready to go back to work with our offspring in tow and as she is telling me whats been going on i get another call from a school. this time it's our younger child who apparently is having some trouble as well. the teacher wanted to let me know that she didn't know what to do after this younger kiddo was banging his head on the wall, breaking the pen needed to do work, refusing to do any work, and then if that wasn't enough, dancing around the room and screaming. i requested to speak to this kiddo, who i refused to do so. all i could hear in the background was this child telling the teacher "no, i don't wanna talk to daddy". i let the teacher know to let em know of the repercussions if the day was not turned around. thinking this is it i can now go back and focus on my new job and finish up my training for the day. a little bit later i get yet another call. it's my wife again, and she lets me know that she now has a lunch break for a few hours at work ( a daycare center) because this kiddo in all his brilliance took a bike from outside on the playground and rode it around the hallways at her work. so she was able to get a break till i was able to get off work and come by to get this thorn in our sides, i mean beautiful, wonderful, well behaved child. after that call i just turned my phone off. fast forward to after school for the younger child, and i go to talk to the teacher to see if this one was at least able to turn it around (unlike the older sibling), and to my dismay (not really) they were unable to . they refused to do any work and was being just as stubborn as the mommy anchor, i mean this papa anchor. so now im here writing about this day while they both sit in their perspective time out spots, stripped of their privileges and freedom. all i can think about are those cornona commercials where there is a couple sitting in chairs or hammocks on a deserted island away from everything looking out into the ocean from a beach. i don't drink alcohol, but thinking of these commercials combined with a day like mine, i can start to see why people drink (especially corona). i ask if your one of my faithful readers and have any suggestions that can help me get some serenity, please do. i am in desperate need of some serenity right now.