Saturday, May 15, 2010

dinner anchor style

last night, the anchor decided it was time to treat the family to nice dinner. after picking up the misses, with the mini anchors, i proceeded to drive around with them trying to find an eating destination fit for a king (or in this case an anchor, and his fam). we stopped at several places, but they where all overfilled with people waiting to get in (must have been payday for them also). after driving around for what seemed like an eternity (more in the range of 15 minutes give or take), the anchor threw down, and said let's eat at arribas mexican grill. it's a nice mexican food place that none of us had ever been to. we went there, and got a table with no wait. i didn't even have to bribe the hostess to get us in past the wait list. we all sit down at a nice table, and get our orders taken. naturally the anchor being an enchilada man ordered up some enchiladas, the misses ordered up a taco plate (her favorite food), and the mini anchors shared a beans & rice plate. it was a nice evening minus the waitress who seems to walk past every couple minutes tending to all the other tables except ours, and the mini anchors having to go to the bathroom every 5-10 minutes. now here is the reason i wanted to share this story with all 5 readers. at the end of the evening when i was picking up the tab and getting the to go boxes for the leftovers, i scrapped every piece of food from the plates we had into the to go boxes. now the misses was embarrassed by this, and let me know that my white trash roots were on full display. i continued cleaning up all the plates, and even took the chips and salsa that the restaurant gives you while you wait for your food, and put it them in the to go boxes while having the misses covering up her face due to the embarrassment, and stares from the other patrons in the area who can afford to leave half eaten plates of food behind. due to the fact that i had just paid a $25 tab for this food, i wasn't about to just leave it behind to be thrown away. so we leave the restaurant with minimal problems, one of the mini anchors wanted to cause some problems in the bathroom, but i will leave that for another story. i wanted to ask the 5 readers of this blog whether or not they agree with me, and with scrapping all chunks of food in to go boxes is must when your paying a large tab ($25.00 is quite a bit for this poor bum), or was the misses in the right to be embarrassed by these actions? i would like some feedback from the 5 readers of the blog, and please let me know what you would do. i'm trying to gauge if i am being just sensible anchor or if i am just plain white trash. i appreciate any, and all feedback on this matter. thanks.

p.s. the food in the picture above looks much better than the food we ate. just an f.y.i.


  1. OK, I MUST defend myself. I was not embarrassed. I'm all for taking leftovers home. I just thought scraping the plates was a bit much. And the food wasn't really that good.

  2. for the record, i did eat all the food today, and it was worth scrapping those plates. i would do it again if i am paying a tab of $20.00 or more.

  3. I can see how it could be embarrassing, though I'm also confused. How can you feed 4 people dining out for $25? Knowing how the Anchor used to eat, how are there left-overs?

  4. chet it's simple the cost to eat here is much less than new york (or so ive been told by a co worker). i ate my meal and then ate the rest of the families food the following day, cause you know this anchor doesn't miss a meal.

  5. i'm all about putting all food into containers. i've saved the kids scraps before because it would be enough for lunch, and i always pack up the free bread and sometimes chips, if they are good. plus you need to scrape if you want to get the sauce.

  6. steph, thanks for having my back, in these hard economic times (like paying $25.00 bones for dinner)you got to make it last.
