Monday, December 28, 2009

my (possible) new life

i got off the phone with amy a little while ago, and she brought something up that got the wheels in my head spinning round and round. she asked me about some email she got regarding a new dating application for facebook that was addressed to me. she was under the impression that yours truly was putting himself back on the market after 8 years of married bliss (and couple years of being tied down as a boyfriend). after i looked at the email & informed her that it was a junk mail trying to get you to open and (more than likely get a virus) view for some junk. after i put the phone down i started to ponder what life would be like if i was back on the market. scary thought i know, but don't worry cause this anchor is anchored down (at least for now) with the old ball and chain. my first thought was are dates still $5.00 or less? are the single ladies ready for this tiger (and im not talking woods) to be back on the prowl? after a quick a look in the mirror, reality sunk in, and yeah im pretty sure they aren't ready for that. my thoughts also drifted to how would i pick this young lady up and where would we go afterwards (knowing that if i was on the market amy would have the house and cars)? my mind drifted to what seems like another lifetime, when me and amy would go out on dates. since having kids, our dating life is all but dead i'm sorry to say, but our duties as parents has taken precedence over the inner teenager in us. my last thoughts on the subject is that i know i currently have the only one i ever would like to take out on town, and that's amy. our first date is still probably the first date i went on that i didn't feel like a complete idiot afterwards (too many bad dates to list). it was less than $5.00, and was a ton of fun (at least for me). i'm going to end this post before i get too sappy, and i lose one of the five readers to this blog (can't have that now). i promise this, if this stud muffin becomes datable i will send out a warning signal (like the bat signal) ahead of time as a warning to all you single ladies.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

x-mas tunes

at the last minute i finally got some of my favorites x-mas tunes done in one of my favorite styles. the last 2 are picks from each of my kids. it is there favorite x-mas songs. enjoy the seasonal tunes for the quick moment they are here. good night..

merry x-mas

just in time for the holidays, the anchor would like to take this opportunity to say...........

Sunday, December 13, 2009

the end?

there's been a sense of "the end is near" with this blog since i first started using this forum to voice some of my many opinions, oh so many months ago. with that same sense of "the end is near" in mind i am writing this post tonight. i am wanting to know of the 5 readers out there who take time out of your busy schedule to partake in a little give and take with me on this blog, would like me to carry on with this blog? the reason i say that, is that i have been taking stock of my life (as meager as it is), and wondering if this outlet is something that helping me get things off my chest, or is just another way for me to waste time? so i leave this to a vote to the public, who out there would like to keep reading this blog? or those who think that they, and myself are wasting too much of their time with this blog? for me, i am indifferent to it, i do love writing, and reading those comments that are made about the posts, but at the same time, are i am always wondering if there really is anyone out there who cares about my thoughts and opinions? just the narcissus in me coming out. with that being said, please vote and let me know with your comments what you think. the phone line are now open america, go and vote for your favorite blog. good night (maybe forever).

Thursday, December 10, 2009

got a tiger by the tail.

i have been trying to hold my tongue, but i have to speak out now in regards to the tiger woods fiasco. the reason i am choosing to speak out now on the subject is cause after watching or listening to hours of interviews & " news reports" about the subject, i feel no one is saying what really needs to be said, and that is..............TIGER WOODS IS THE LUCKIEST MAN ALIVE! i say that cause if your like me, and have heard & seen the reports of the 12 women (so far) who have come forward (to get their treasures) in regards to having extra activities with tiger, these ladies aren't no slouches. he has a wife who is in the upper 10 range, and with the pics i have seen so far of these ladies they are either in the same league as her or a step below (but a short step). if he had been with ladies that where in a much lower brackets than his wife, then i would say as everyone "lock him up in gallows", but come on. i don't take infidelity lightly, but as far as i have seen, there is no such thing as fidelity when it comes to stars & celebrities. they get a free pass if you will with regards the vows they make when they are driving through wedding chapels in vegas. congress has now decided to pull their award they where planning on awarding him, but i say to all houses of government (including the 4th one, the fed) make an award specific to him as "LUCKIEST MAN IN THE U.S.A. (and possibly the world) AWARD. who's with me? i can see the petitions being sent around now all states and to all cities. people (all 5 of you reading this blog) call your federal senators & congressman & let them know that you want them to make this award a reality. his home town should give him the key to the city and make a national day for him (as long as he doesn't drive to and from). so as i wrap this post up, i would like to play p.r. guy to tiger (if he's reading, which we all know he's not), and tell him to save his money on the p.r., and let these women go out there and do interviews about how much of a stud you are. i would only say that if these women don't think you where the stud that has been presented & packaged to the world, then sure a few mill here & a few mill here doesn't hurt, but if they are gonna say good things about you, then by all means let them. i couldn't ask for better press than to have multiple attractive women doing interviews w/katy couric & diane sawyer, and whoever else & say how much of stud i am (maybe my wife would take notice (jk amy), and how i was rated p.g. (perfect gentlemen). i also say that not knowing if there is a pat o'brien voicemail tape out there with tiger saying similar things like pat said on his voicemail to a lady not even a 3rd his age, asking her to partake of illegal substances with him and then do things that would make your mother cry, then by all means pay up, and pay whatever they ask. i know there will be a few (2 maybe) who will say this such a trashy post, and you would be right, but it needed to be said now. now with no further ado, go out and start petitioning congress about this award before congress decides its their job to start regulating more college athletics. i close this post by using a golf word we should all know by now and that is FOUR!