Sunday, August 21, 2011

out with the old, n with the knew

if you r 1 of the elite 5 readers of this blog, then u can c things have changed recently. yes after at least a year (i think a year and halfish to be more exact) the anchor is ready to blog has changed its look. a new background made courtesy of the latest up and coming blog designer "the adventures of jamc" (aka my wife). there is an icon on the blog that says my wife's pov & if u give it a click u can read her blog (be ready to go to sleep though while reading cause it's about the most boriniest family on earth). i gave her one command for updating this blog & that was to continue to make my blog look cooler than hers, and i think she's definitely succeed at that. i even updated the music play list to reflect the modern hits ive been listening to alot lately. i would have these songs on my ipod if i had one, but since i only have them on cd's i play them on my disc man. for those of you who don't know what a disc man is, i put a picture at the top as a reference for a visual. so with that, please continue to read and follow the ramblings of this mad anchor, and if that's too much too ask you can at least enjoy the tunes (please ignore the 30 sec ad for fantasy football that comes up every so often on the playlist).


  1. Classy new look for a classy guy, though I do miss the old twang music. Alas, the newfangled music is good as well.

  2. Ethan and Angela, Do you really think I would have this blog on my wall??? There is no way!!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Obviously I did NOT type the above comment. I love Jodie's blog and even designed this new background just for him. Jodie, if you would like me to make you a grab button I will make you one and then display it on my blog.

  5. Thanks chetman for the words of encouragement and to ethan & angela i think u know why amy doesn't want to be affilated with this blog.
