Monday, June 20, 2011


lately i've been asked some major questions pertaining to getting to know this anchor a bit better. not question's that have any real meaning like why are we here on earth? what happens when we die? where do babies come from (thank goodness the kiddo's haven't asked that one yet, cause i'm not really sure where this anchor is from (nor do i wish to find out)? no! the questions i've been asked as of late are: what superpower would u have if u could have any superpower? & where would i go if i could go on any vacation & money didn't matter? so i am going to use this forum to educate the few, the proud, the 5 reader's who are still the last men (and hopefully a woman or two) still left wasting their precious little time here on this earth seeking further knowledge & insight from this anchor. the questions are in no particular order:
q. what superpower would u have if u could have any superpower?
a. i would have the superpower of being able to read people's thoughts. the main reason is cause i would like to finally know what my wife is really thinking about when she tells me "u really r a special person" or "does this dress make my backside look fat". i will use this power to finally be able to correctly identify both what she is saying but also when a question is presented where there is a consequence attached if i answer incorrectly hopefully will help me have the right response for her(cause heaven knows i don't have the right ones lately). i would also like to use this super power for the betterment of the male population. since as far as i know, NO MAN KNOWS WHAT A WOMEN WANTS, not even mel gibson. i would use this power to help interpret their thoughts to men (for a small fee of course).

q. where would i go if i could go on any vacation & money didn't matter?

a. its a simple, hawaii. since a young anchor from back n da day i've always wanted to go to that paradise, and cause as far as i know i don't need a passport to travel there.

q. if u could have one wish (and wishing for more wishes isn't an option), what would u wish for?

a. since i will already have the power to read women's thoughts i would wish for 1 day of being an attractive person. the reason is very simple, i'm ugly. i don't say this out for sympathy, but that is my reality (and has been so since i was born). i've always had the fine code's working against me. money is nice and so would be being really smart, but being beautiful trumps that. just look at all the no talented people who are on reality tv & and in pageants. i would like to see how much different people would treat me (and maybe get that raise).

q. what talent would u have if u could have any talents?

a. going with the idea that i can read people's thoughts i would like the talent of being able to write and perform music. since a young anchor i always thought of being on stage performing for the masses. i have always wanted to write music that matters (like the ghost gambler's/newton gang/& the ampersandersons) and to be able to perform like they do as well.

q. what would u like ur last meal to be?

a. i'm going with texas bbq brisket (still haven't tasted anything that tops that).

q. how did u make it 10 years being married (seriously i had someone ask me that when i told them about our current anniversary)?

a. simple my wife puts up with me much more than any women could. i'm very confident had it been anyone else i married we wouldn't have even gotten married, cause they would have dropped me back to the bottom of whatever lake i came from.

i think that's enuff of those important question's for the this time. hopefully u gained some insight into this anchor (and i don't blame u if u happen to be the reason when i post next there are only 2 readers of this blog left). if there is any question u would like to ask this anchor please do. no gurantees i will answer,but then i might u just never know. adios cinco amigos!

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