Saturday, April 16, 2011

i got some tunes 4 u

honestly i am really bored tonight, and instead of going to bed and getting the much needed rest my body and mind really need right now i am going to see what will my mind think of to write for my loyal readers (all 5 of ya). the thought that keeps coming to my mind is to tell the masses of the historic event of finally getting my p.c. fixed after some evil doer sent an incredibly horrible virus to my p.c. that ended its life or so they thought. lucky this anchor is very blessed with some incredible friends that have some incredible talents (i am sure as i am writing this post there are several of my followers (around 5) that have some incredible talents as well). so i spent the day at some friends house playing rock band and getting my p.c. rid of the horrid virus which had plagued and worked on it's demise. after we (my friend doing all the work & me watching) got the old baby up and running again. after the o.s. there was 1 thing that had to go on first and that being the most important of any pc....... ITUNES! after being without itunes for several months my taste in music had started to wane and my ears needed a pick me up from all the garbage i was forced to listen i needed it and in a big way. i kept thinking about becoming a terrorist just so i could go over to guantanamo and listen to some better music. it was a very sad and dark time in my life not being with my tunes. so now i have my tunes back and my depression (although somewhat still there) is almost gone and the grey skies are clearing up for now. on that note, i am listening to some new tunes and u can't wipe the smile off this anchor (at least for now).

1 comment:

  1. And here we are a week later with our computer having crashed again!
