Saturday, July 28, 2012

living Einstein's quote (4 real)

i have come to the decision that the person who said “insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results” is a genius. i know i am guilty of such actions. i have been thinking about this concept lately, and realizing more and more that i am in fact living einstein's quote. i have kids who don't believe in sleeping (i haven't been able to prove they aren't vampires), yet most nights i put them to bed with the same expectation that they will go to sleep and catch some zzzzzzzz's. i get up for work mon - fri expecting in part to provide for my family and yet my kids looks they belong next to sally struthers in a feed the kids commercial. each day i come home worried my exceptional wife has figured out how low the bar she set when married me and has run off with someone more suited for her. each year i think there can't possibly be another incredibly horrible season of the worst show EVER, and yet i am always shocked when the teenie boppers and my wife keep glee on the air. something else that fits this same pattern for me is weight loss. last year i really shocked myself when i got out of this pattern and experienced some actual weight loss. being true to this quote though i went right back to my old eating habits and laziness and before i knew it almost all the pounds i subtracted where added. for financial people, all the credits now have debits that zeroed out whatever progress i just made. with this weight gain i've recaptured my old oval shape. i don't have much going for me these days in the way of looks, but last year with the weight loss at least i felt better about myseld and felt that i was looking better (imagine that!). i was (at least in my head) punxsutawney phil and i popped out of my hole in life and was not seeing my shadow so i was ready for an early spring. i would finally be getting out my hole from all these winter months (actually years), but like phil connors i'm back to living the same day everyday (or so it seems to me). as much as i would like to groundhognap punxsutawney phil  and crash into a quarry while being chased by police at high speeds, i know it's only a movie (a really great one which this anchor recommends if ur interested). unfortunately for me it means that instead of doing a weather report i need to get back on the bandwagon of better eating habits, exercise, and eating smaller food rations. my hope is i can become more like phil connors after he spills the beans to rita about his day (s) being the same, and starts to makes those changes in his life for the better which eventually leads to his repetitive day (feb 2nd) changing into a brand new day (feb 3rd). i know i've had enough with feb 2nd's in my life, and i am definitely ready for a feb 3rd.