Saturday, August 7, 2010

p.s. action movies

after finally going to sleep last night and, making it through today i realized that there was a couple of things that i forgot to mention while blogging last night in a sleep like state. first thing is why, why, why don't the action stars ever pick up a gun after shooting or killing a bad guy? why? it seems like a no brain er to me to go and grab the gun after killing a bad guy. just common sense. the other thing is why do the bad guys almost always have bigger and better weapons than the good guys. i don't know if it's a way to level the playing field by giving the villains the better looking and bigger weapons. you know the villain is going to lose anyway why give them the better weapons. i always like in predator how all the guys in the troop had incredible looking weapons, and it wasn't as if one of the guys had a sweeter weapon than the next. give both beside great weapons so when they shooting or battling each other it looks really cool. anyway this is just a little post script while the night is a lot younger than last night, and my mind is working at the turtles pace (instead of a snails like pace last night).

action movies

i know that the 7 readers of this blog are as excited as me(maybe even more)for the upcoming action mega flick "the expendables". it's no secret that i love action flicks more than just about any other film genre, and with this film coming out i knew what i needed to blog about.... action films. the past couple weeks action films have consumed my free time (what little i have) re watching these action movies i've seen quite a few times in me life. for me good action movies have no expiration date. so i love to watch them over and over. now with that set up, you know how i feel about action films, now its time for me to let the 7 readers of this brilliant (if i should say so myself) blog to unleash my gripes that i have just about most action movies. the first thing is why does the action star whether it's chuck norris (the master), steven seagal (next in command), arnold schwarzenegger (the fallen star), sylvester stallone (yes rocky was a mistake), jean claude van damme (jcvd), or any other action star throw there gun, and fight the villain with their hands or feet? my thought has always been just shoot them, and get it over with. a little fighting is cool no doubt, but they always over draw the fight scene, and all they have to do is just shoot them. i enjoy the shootouts more anyways. the only movie i can think of off the top of my head is open range where kevin costner (not an action star) shoots the guy in head right after he announces that he was the guy who killed his friend. i wish there were more 1 liners in these films. there is always a few, but i want (no demand) more. who wouldn't want to hear lines like this "Senator Vernon Trent: You can take that to the bank! Mason Storm: I'm gonna take you to the bank, Senator Trent. To the blood bank!"? classic! there needs to be more violence and less adult oriented relations. these are actions movies not chick flicks. leave the lovey dovey to j lo movies, and have these guys (and gals) kick more "watch your mouth". my final complaint that i have with action flicks is why not have these stars keep there shirts on???? without fail there is at least one scene if not more where the star has to take the shirt off for no reason. i know there are ladies out there that love these types of movies (i believe it's the same amount readers as this blog), but it never has anything to do with the movie. an example of this is the great action film predator where as the action stars get deeper into the jungle the more the guys take off the shirts for no reason. anyway it's after 1am and i need sleep (not like action stars) so i'm ending this post, but if the 7 readers of this action packed blog would like to share any thoughts about action movies please do. "i'm all ears" see if you can guess which action that quote came from, its another classic. please no mel gibson's quotes (if you where thinking it) as funny as they are, this is a kid friendly blog. good night.
