Tuesday, January 19, 2010

freudian slip or not?

you are not going to believe this (or maybe you will), but today my wife let it slip her real feelings about me. here is how it went down(over the phone):

me: hey sweetie i know you can do better than me, and i know you know that.

wife: yeah

yes she did say that. even though she tried afterwards to say that she didn't mean it (trying to fix what minuscule ego that was dangling on for dear life). so i ask the 5 readers of this blog: can my wife do better? i ask for honesty, cause i already know (and live with) the answer everyday. good day or do i mean good night?

Friday, January 1, 2010

new years resolutions

another year down, and i find myself at the end of this year with having read fewer and fewer books than last. i love to read books, but since my surgery i have found that it take ever more out of me when i sit down and read. with each year since my surgery, my book list seems to get smaller and smaller, so i am trying to break this vicious cycle of illiteracy, and am making it a resolution to read more books this year. now with this in mind i am asking for faithful 5 that do read this blog if they would please give me some suggestions on some books that i would enjoy reading. a few facts about the anchor's reading habits are:

1. i read mainly (99.99%) read non fiction.

2. i love books that aren't more than a few hundred pages (300 is around my max, but if good enough i have read up to a 700 page book once, and it nearly finished this anchor off).

3. i am a product of the public school system so when in read, i like to have it as simple as possible (sad but true). picture books are good.

now as i close i ask that you include any and all book suggestions as this is going to be a years worth of reading (hopefully). no list is too long for this anchor. if you would like to know what i have read (or attempted to) lately, just ask, and i will be glad to list them. good night and good year (not the tire or az city though).

new tunes

new tunes from the 80's to dance to courtesy of the anchor. happy new year to you, and now on to the new resolutions.