two posts in one day, you 5 readers are in for a treat with me today. i had an event happen today that i had to share with you. we all know that under this tough exterior, the anchor has a soft side. this afternoon i was talking with the misses about our boys (we have 2), and i told her that our boys wouldn't even care if i left cause they only want to be with her. so i put it to the test, and posed the question to the mini anchors "would you care if daddy was gone"? the older son broke out in tears, and said that he doesn't want me to join the army, and be gone for a year. he got physically upset at the question, but then when i tried talking to him he just smiled. here is what happened when i posed the question to the younger anchor. his response was that it was okay with him cause he doesn't like me. he said to me that i only like mommy, and he can go ahead and go. this type of talk went on from him for a little while, all the while saying how much he didn't like me and just would be happy if i left. so the misses let him know of her disapproval of this talk, but he still continued on with it till finally she bribed him. he comes over to me in our bedroom, and tells me that he loves me. when i start to ask him questions about why he said those things he says to me that he's done talking, and goes into the living room where the misses is sprawled out over on the couch. he walks over to her and tells her that he told me that he loved me. when i come into the living room and ask him what she bribed him with he says i can't tell you, and goes back into my room to play on the computer. anyway, i know this story maybe pretty boring to you, but for this anchor, it crushed my little heart. i knew my boy was a mama's boy, but i didn't know till today how much he really just doesn't like me. weep weep.