Sunday, November 29, 2009
some pics for the holiday season
amy tried to get this pics for the blog, but had some trouble, so i am just posting them in this post for your to enjoyment. happy holidays from the anchor blog, and a merry x-mas, and whatever else my 5 loyal readers celebrate.

tis the season part 2

since my white trashiness has been called into question, i will further add a p.s. to my previous list & add an additional 5 items that point to how white trash i am. with no further ado:
1. i have been to a monster truck (and loved it).
2. i still watch professional (and some amateur) wrestling, and have since i was a young buck.
3. i know next to nothing about computers, and pretty much anything that has to do with technology.
4. i've owned both as mullet & dallas cowboys cheerleader calendars (i still wish i had the dallas cowboys calendar).
5. and the final for this short list is................. my love of county fairs. not the big city ones, but the real small town ones (just like in the lbk).
Friday, November 27, 2009
tis the season

with the festival season alive in air, i've been doing alot of deep thinking about why i am sooooooooo "WHITE TRASH". yes, i said, and i will say it again "i am white trash"(this time in lower cases letter to take the emphasis off how bad off i am). the reason i am writing about this subject for this post (mainly cause amy blogs about what the daily family happenings are, and im not that creative or imaginative) is due to the fair was just in town, and all over the globe i keep reading about things that are white trash, but really aren't. i am here to set the record straight for those of us who, are Yes, sirree; died in the wool; true blue, through and through white trash. with all that said, let me lay out a quick top 5 list for my 5 readers to let them know just is going on inside the mind of this anchor that leds me to believe (and probaly you ) that i am white trash:
1. i love steven seagal movies (goes back to when i was a kid)
2. i still play air guitar.
3. i have been teaching my kids to play air guitar & air drums, using some of my tracks from anthrax, metallica, iron maiden, judas priest,and other 80 metal bands.
4. if it weren't for the fact that i hate messing with hair, i would have a mullet (no joke).
5. finally, i got my free bird tattoo to top it all off with.
Friday, November 20, 2009
back at the chopping block

i just posted a quick blurb reagarding what this post is going to be about on my facebook, and that is what is the deal (sorta speak) with the twilight series, and the whole hoopla surrounding it? for full disclosure, i haven't read the twilight book series or watched any of of the movies regarding the series. with that disclosure now read to all 5 of you, i ask again what is so great about this series. i know the fans will say "don't judge it till you read or watched it", and to that i say i sat there and listened to my wife describe for me the gist of the series, and from that all i wanted to was stab myself in the ear with a shapr object for having listened to the cliff notes of the series. if your 12 years old i can see why there would be some appeal for this, but when may people (older than me even) beyond their teeny bopper years are crying and fighting over this series, it forces me have to have to take a step back (and even write a post about it), and try to figure out why? i know that there is bella & she's a human & there is edward and he is supposed to be this super hunk vampire, and they fall in love, and all that good stuff, and then there's a werewolf, frankenstein, a mummy, and the invisible man. all that is missing van helsing. maybe in the future a ghost writer will pick up where mrs. meyer left off, and bring van helsing in for a finishing touch romance. i am sorry if i am missing the point on this series, but i can think of quite a few other books (mainly non fiction since that is my preference, but since we are dealing with fiction i will list fiction) or movies that would be better time spent than watching or reading this series. since i threw that comment out there i will make a quick list of 4 books & or movies that are better than this series, and i will try to keep it in the same arena of ideas:
1. bram stroker's "dracula", where it all started.
2. mary shelley's "frankenstein", one of my favorite books of all times
3. "a clockwork orange" by anthony burgess, this is my favorite book of all times, and the first book over a 100 pages that i read and didn't use cliff notes for (back in 7th grade)
4. and last for my quick book references of better books than twilight is..... "that was then, this is now" by s.e. hinton. a book that really deals with teenage angst, and the drama that comes with being a teenager.
now for movies
1. sticking with teenage angst & s.e. hinton is "the outsiders", i know it wasn't #1 on my swayze list but it gets it here on my quick list.
2. since twilight is a series i am putting one of my favorite trilogies "the karate kid part 1 & 2, and would even rather watch part3 with hillary swank than any of the twilight movies (my opinion only, and those of people with impeccable taste such as myself).
3. the blade trilogy, i have only watched the first 2 films in the series, and don't remember the 2nd one, but i do remember the first one, and this is one of the only vampire inspired movies that i like & wesley snipes kicks some undead backside.
4. those who know me will now know how badly i think of the twilight series after reading my 4th pick. it is a series that i will forever dislike (there some things about it do like, but as a whole its awful, and yet i would rather watch this series than the twilight series).............rocky 1-10 (or how there are). yes i know, please don't reread it, it did say rocky.
after that, i don't think anything could express my feelings more about this series than seeing rocky on my quick list. i don't want to trash people who do like the series (my wife is included in this group), cause to each there own. i just wanted to vent about what i see being called entertainment these days and how bad its getting. granted i will say that most of my entertainment is considered to be white trash (and it is), but it at least its good white trash. tell next time when we are breaking dawn because there is an eclipse over a new moon in the twilight.

Thursday, November 12, 2009
i'm back

guess who's back? after a few weeks of down time thanks to dell having the swine flu, the anchor is back in business. after all that time off (no vacation was taken), i am still at a loss for what i should say to my 5 (possible down to 3 since i was gone for so long) faithful readers that they will enjoy. my first thought was to tell some of the great and magical adventures i returned from. another thought was to tell the story of how i slayed a dragon with my bare hands. i figured since it's been so long, and i don't want to bore whats left of my few readers, i will write about the next best thing..... sex, drug, and rock n roll. well maybe not, due to this blog is rated p.g. (per blogspot regulations). i would like to tell a little story that just took place recently. as i am sure all you know by now (if not read my wife's blog about it) i had surgery last april to have a tumor removed from nasal & brain area. a couple months after the surgery i had to have radiation treatments called "cyberknife" to have the remaining portion of the tumor removed that was inoperable for surgery. this past oct (around the 2nd week, give or take), i had my follow up m.r.i. done for the neurosurgeon involved with the radiation treatments to have him check to see if the tumor was still gone, and only scar tissue in it's place. several weeks went by after i had the m.r.i., when i received a phone from the surgeons office letting me know that they had discovered some residual on the scans that needed further looking into to verify what it is. no problem i thought, cause since i have been dealing with this tumor my case is one that is presented to the group at the barro's neurological center for evaluation. so my case was presented to the group last week, and i was instructed to call the surgeon back to get the results if i hadn't received word from their office by friday. friday comes, and low and behold, no contact from the dr's office, so i called the office, and spoke with a a lady there in the office who instructs me to call back next week, cause the people i needed to speak with where currently out of the office. no worries i thought , all the while in the back of my head i was trying to get myself ready for anything (well almost anything). one thing i have learned from having this tumor is to expect the unexpected. monday comes around, and right in the middle of my work day i get a call from the dr's office informing of the results....... no, they tell me i need to talk to my ear/nose/throat surgeon (i don't know how to spell autolargologist, and frankly don't care enough to look it up, sad, i know) to get the results since he was the one who presented my case to the group. needless to say i immediately get on the phone, and leave a voicemail for a call back from his office to let me know of the results. by this time, its been about a 2 week span from the first phone call about the possible residual , and this had been weigh in on me ever since. finally after 5:00pm on monday i get the call from the correct dr's office, and am in formed that......................
tune into next time to find out!
just kidding, that everything is alright, and that they see no problems or sign of a tumor, YET! now wasn't that little tale more exciting that sex, drugs, and rock n roll, well maybe the drugs & rock n roll part. keep a wrinkle till next time. hasta la vista.
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