Monday, August 31, 2009

additonal poster

enjoy another pic on the house

incompetency seems to be the future

i have been curious for sometime now, why is it that people in high places, seem to show such a level of incompetence, that even someone with such low standards as myself is shocked? i will be the first (and many would agree) to admit that over the years i have shown some incompetence from time to time, but they where usually when i was in a position to do so and not effect anyone else but myself. now i am seeing more and more the levels of incompetency, and its getting very scary to me. i due not wish to turn this post into a political one (although the content is right on the money), i just want to vent for a minute as to why i have to be one to go above and beyond just because someone else doesn't deem it important enough? why i say? why? i find it interesting that the more competent i seem to perform, the more i get into trouble or get talked to, and these are usually done by the same people that don't even have the knowledge or skills to due what i am doing. as you can probably tell, something(s) happened to me recently make me write this post. several events have transpired to inspire this vent, but due to circumstances beyond my control, i will not share specifics at this time (maybe in the future, if i am competent enough). i only ask that if you can, please try not to be as incompetent as some of the people i have been in contact lately. thanks.

p.s. family is currently excluded, in case you're wondering

Thursday, August 27, 2009

bad day

i am sticking to the old adage that "if you have nothing nice to say, then say nothing at all", and with that, good night!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

a day of rememberance

as i know everyone has probably heard by now, we lost a dear man yesterday. sen kennedy, so please let have a moment of silence observed as we hold our breath under water. so long. glub glub glub

newton's laws of motion debunked

yes as the title states, i the anchor am here to let everyone know that in fact sir issac newton was wrong. in newton's law of motion, it states that "for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction". now i know that its common place to accept these old school theorems as the gospel truth, but here i will let you know just exactly how wrong newton was. now issac newton was born back in 1643, so at the time i am sure he didn't know what force would lay ahead of him after after he departed this earth. these forces would come in the years 2002 & then in 2005, they are known as mason and connor (x3). my first example that debunks this law is that every time i clean a room (kitchen, bedroom, playroom, etc), they are destroyed by these forces in a matter of minutes (if not seconds most times). when these two forces combine, get out of the way. no matter how many times i try to stop them, they barrel right through me, and anything else in their path. another example is when i make them food, before i can finish even cooking it, these guys have already devoured what was there, and are working on seconds. for those of you who know me, know i'm not much of a science guy, other than having to watch alan alda & bill nye science videos in school, my knowledge in the science fields are non existence. for those of you reading this post & know heath cotter, i remember the first time after he left the bakery to work in construction, and he come into the bakery to chat with everybody. he told me of how most of what he was doing with the construction company was demolition work. i remember the way he spoke about breaking through walls with jackhammers & bringing down the house with all sorts of power tools. i vividly remember my own thoughts of the fun and excitement of wearing a hard hat & driving a crane and demolishing any building in my way. now that a demolition crew with twice (if not more) the power is bringing down my own little cottage, my thoughts aren't as rosy as they once where. so remember when someone tells you "for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction" let them they are wrong, and they can view the evidence by coming to my house (or whats left of it). till next time.

Monday, August 24, 2009

the truth behind bloggin

i found this picture, and it pretty much sums up most of my feelings i have felt over the past few weeks, as i got started in the blogging realm. i have been told that i even have some similarities to our friends in the monkey world.


another day in......

just another day in paradise (or as i call it mediocrityville).

adios till next time

Sunday, August 23, 2009

too bad

i am sorry to say, but due to the overwhelming lack of caring (or possibly due to their concerns about the damage that could be caused) on behalf of the voting people, the beast will stay contained, and will not be eligible to be unleashed for another 10 years. just around the time disney re releases lady & the tramp, little mermaid, pocahontas, 101 dalmatians, aladdin, etc, etc, . thanks to the few that did vote, you exercised your god given right right as an american to vote. i'm ending it now due to i can't keep amy in anymore suspense. she could barely sleep last, and since she wasn't sleeping that good, it was up to her make sure i didn't either. now that she has been put out of misery, we can now move on. anyway, sorry, but the beast will stay leashed and locked up until further notice. enjoy your sunday.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

so you think the beast can be unleashed

i wish everyone who's voted (or even read the post about the dance off) could see amy sweating bullets these days as the countdown comes close to an end, and the votes aren't even close to get this old dogg on the dance floor . she's bitten her fingernails all the way down to the bone, and she's such a nervous wreck. all this stress stems from her deep desire to see me unleash this beast in such a way that hasn't been seen in the united states since hurricane katrina (although taiwan came close recently with typhoon morakot). there are scientists & geologists from all over the world are running tests and experiments to try to gauge what the death tolls we be if the leash should come off of this beast. me being the realist that i am, know that there is no way that there could be 23 votes (not even 10 people read this blog), so i am lowering the bar down in order to try to even out the playing field. that being said, the new vote threshold will now be a minimum of 10 votes, but they still have to be from 10 different people. right now the readers are about half of the way there with everyone who has voted so far throwing caution to the wind in the name of being a part of history. the countdown continues on through sometime this coming sunday (aug 23), after which if the votes aren't there, then the beast goes back in the vault for a min of 10 years, just like all those lame disney cartoon movies. i do promise that if by a miracle there's at least 10 votes, and the majority are for the beast to dance, then you will not only be a part of history, but you will be more entertained & in awe than any of the boring disney cartoons (pinocchio being the only exception) that we were all forced to watch as children. just to sweeten the pot, connor has signed up to appear beside (as long as he can keep up) me on the dance floor for this momentous event. let the games begin.

Monday, August 17, 2009

dance off (or not)!

this past week my loving and wonderful wife has been buggin me to allow her to video myself in the act of getting down, and bogeying on the dance floor, because i dared to speak out on the truth about the idiocracy that is known as "so you think you can dance". during the past seasons it hasn't been an issue in our house cause i worked nights, and wasn't subjected to the ridiculousness of this show, but due to a change in my work schedule i was thrown like a dirty towel into the mix of this show this season. of course i don't dare watch it for fear of losing anymore of my keen brainpower with their mindless dance routines. i know i did several dances for amy during the course of the show this past season, and i couldn't once get her attention, so hopefully now i will. i even went as far as to do a striptease, getting all the way down to just my shorts, only to find her gaze on another man doing a lame choreographed dance. her gaze never even came my way after the routine was done and they broke for commercial. oh well her lose (or so i keep telling myself). i can't for the life of me see how people can sit there, and be shown how to dance, and then wham we are supposed to be wowed by that. to me dancing is very much a spontaneous and has its own flow through the body, not some choreographed moves approved by mtv & teenagers! now i will stop myself & give the proper props to these dancers cause there is some skill level to they are doing, but to waste 3-4 hours a week watching that nonsense is unlogical to me. that being said, my wife thought that because of my trash talk during this last go around on t.v. (yes i have been notified that they are now branching off into the fall, which means fox will become a 24hr / 7 days a week reality nightmare for which the nigel guy from the show will be producing and profiting like a bandit) i should put my stanky leg where my mouth is, and allow her to video tape me doing a dance. she would then post it for everyone to vote to see if i am as good as i say i am. to steal her thunder, i am now putting out a vote for the few readers to my blog: WHO WANTS ME TO UNLEASH THE BEAST, AND DUE TO A DANCE THAT EVERYONE CAN BE IN AWE OF? OR WHO WOULD RATHER THE BEAST STAY LEASHED UP TIGHT? the rules i have are simple, if i can get 23 people (it must at least be 23 & they must be different people) to say yeah or nay to this vote i will let the majority rule. that being said, there has to be at least 23 different people voting, non of this garbage from the show where you can call as much as like (you can, but it only counts 1 time). the vote starts right now, and will be over by this sunday (aug 23) at sometime during the day, i am not sure when, but it will probably be around the time i check this blog. so once again to reiterate, i am having people (a minimum of 23 different to make the vote valid) vote to see if whether or not they want this beast unleashed or if they want to keep the beast contained. if by a miracle i get the 23 votes, and the majority want to see the beast unleashed, then i will post a quick post of a couple tracks to have people vote on, and from there amy will due to the honors of video taping a master at work for the world to see. if not, then oh well, at least we will all know the truth (that the citizens of the Internet couldn't handle double doing the stanky leg). on your marks, get set, let the voting (games) Begin.

p.s. i promise all votes will be counted (but only 1 per person).

new playlist

hey everyone (all 3 - 5 readers of this blog), i have a new playlist, and with this new playlist comes a new theme for it. the theme i picked this time around is music from bands that i have seen play live. there are many other bands (most of them i am unable chose from the main playlist) that i have seen live. there is however one band on this list for which i have not seen live. that music talent is non other than matthew sweet. to make a long story short, my bro jake bought me & him tickets for my 15 b-day, and when he purchased the tickets he was told (i was with him to witness) that it was an all ages show, so right at the beginning as we where getting in line to get into the show, we where told that it's an 18 and up show only. needless to say my dreams where shattered, and my life was altered in a way that i have never been able to recover from. since i was supposed to be at this show, i feel i can put 1 of his tracks (the one i like the most) on this playlist. what i did with this theme is try to pick 2 songs from the albums for which i saw them performed. matthew sweet only got 1 cause i didn't technically see him, #poundsign# & baboon only have 1 song, cause that's all that was available for them. i hope you enjoy the music, as i did a decade ago (for most of them) live. one last note, i did try to get live tracks when available for the theme. enjoy!

p.s. if anyone wants to drop some names of people or bands they have seen live feel free, i am always curious as to who's seen who.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Saturday, August 15, 2009

karma... the reality

this past week at work, one of my fellow colleague commented to me after i had relaying a story about something new my boys did that i couldn't believe they would do, and they're reply is one that i have heard from this person, and many others multiple times (especially from my parents), and that response is "well its payback for what you did to your folks (or as in my parents case what i did to them to cause they're grey hairs). i was wondering about this when this week we received a report from mason's teacher that he took off all his clothes at school. i can't recall a time that during my tenure as a student of the public school system i was guilty of such charges. however i have been told on several occasions that when i was young buckaroo, and my mom was primary pres, that i was under the impression that primary was a clothing optional area at church. also can't recall a time that i ran down the street naked growing up as both my boys are guilty of on more occasions than I can count (and hopefully our neighbors have forgot those incidents) on both hands. there is however a story my parents have told to me and others about when i was 2 or 3, and i climbed out the window of our apartment, and walked down the street to the local mcdonalds. a lady driving by picked me up, and brought me back to my parents before i reached my destination. this scenario now of days, probably wouldn't have turned out so well. i was thinking there has to be something my kids have done that i never did to my parents. my first thought was i have never robbed a bank with a toy gun and note, and thankfully neither of my kids have either. so i guess karma does exist. my message to everyone reading this post who is thinking of bringing kids into this world, or has kids already, please be aware of your actions, cause your actions are going to come back on you full circle, as i am learning the hard way right now. it is better that each of you follow the actions of the only mr. perfect i know, and this mystical person older bro jake. i am wondering right now if my parents have ever said, "you remember when jake brought peace and harmony to our house" or " what about that time when jake fed our whole family with only oil soup and deviled eggs". i will have to be sure to bring this up at next reunion, when mr. Perfect himself will be hosting with his better half & fam. now with all that being said, i am now going into the kitchen to feed my whole family with oil soup and deviled eggs for breakfast, as i imagine my brother is doing right now with his fam. Eat up everyone, and enjoy.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

the true meaning of life, as told by double j

lately i have been contemplating the meaning of life. i’ve been in a deep thinking mode about the reasons why we are all here on earth? where we'll all go after we are six deep into the ground? and what is my (ours) purpose while here on earth? the conclusion i have come to after much contemplation & deep thought is that we are all here as a.................. cruel video game. with my limited exposure to video games having only owned an original nintendo, that came to its early demise due to a group of young kids fighting over who was going to be the players for mario. i still get tears when i think about it. now back to the topic at hand. while i was thinking about which video game is the most similar to each us and this life. my first thought was pac man. as a young kid growing up, my best friend had an arcade pacman in his house for which i would try to play it every chance i could get. that is my usual go to video game, cause of the long amount of time i spent playing it. once again back to the topic i know you are all sitting on the edge of your seat to find out the great insight i have come up with. when playing pacman you are basically running away from some ghosts and eating pellets, and then when you are in a bind you eat a ball, and you can then fight off the ghosts, all the while waiting for a fruit to show, so you can get a few points. after thinking about this game, i decided that it wasn't the game we are all stuck in. then i thought of mario, but there is no real comparisons i can find. the thought of paperboy, by my standards one of the worst games ever made. you throw papers on people porch’s while dodging lame obstacles, repeating over and over again. my thought was wow this is it. my life in a nutshell. but then i thought about how i have had some fun times, and enjoyed most of my life, and i know that by no means is there anything fun or redeeming about paperboy (as far as i am concerned). i was called back into meditation to ponder harder on this topic, and found the one game that i feel is the most comparable with the video game called life..... sonic the hedgehog, for the old sega genesis. here you have a hedgehog who jumps up and down, goes around obstacles, and then go really fast at the same time gathering up coins, and as soon as you get a lot of coins, BOOM, you hit some dumb little object and lose all the coins that you had worked so hard to accumulate. sounds about right to me. please don't fret or get discouraged, cause after you lose all (or most) of your coins, you go back to starting over again. this is repeated over and over again till you have to get up and walk away before you throw something (tv, sega gaming unit, family members, etc), or you win (which in my case never happened). please know that i am not trying to bring everyone down with this post, but quite the contrary, i am trying to inspire everyone to be better, and work harder, so that when your time expires here in this game, you can become the player in the next game. my hope is that when (and if) i ever become the player in a new game, that the game is either contra or double dragon, my personal favorites. adios for now.

p.s. if your interested, i would strongly recommend watching the documentary "king of kong: a fistful of dollars". i think this doc shows how best video games imitate life. a must for everyone with good taste

Monday, August 10, 2009

sbtb reunion, a must for me

thanks to everyone who is jumping ship to join the new & improved blog. i know leaving jamc is hard, but just like ryan & pam who left dunder mifflin (another office reference) for the michael scott paper company, you know better things are ahead. today i am just doing a simple post about the need for a much over due saved by the bell reunion. i first pitched the idea to ac slater in an email to him back when he was on the show "the other half" around 2002 with the idea of a sbtb reunion show. i even mentioned to him (assuming he was the actual reader of these emails), how they're show may actually get some rating by doing this. unfortunately he didn't listen, and we all know (or at least the 100 or less people that watched the show) where that show is now. so even today i still feel the need to get some closure on this chapter in my life, which continues to be written. here are a few questions that i am in of real answers with a reunion: why screech hates the rest of the cast (except for mr.b) so much? why kelly cheated on zack with jeff? what happened to kevin (screech's robot) after he helps screech win the ms. bayside pageant? what became of the malibu beach club (along with stacy korosi & papa bear)? i need answers people to these, and other pressing questions. it’s a sin (to me anyway) for people magazine to tease me with a cover story of a sbtb reunion, only to let me down with the reality that there really is no reunion. the upcoming tell all from screech sounds semi intriguing, but i need to know how tori of all people came to closer for the 5th season, after jessie & kelly walked away? was there really no other actress out there to fill the high heels left by these ladies leaving? as you can probably tell, the more i type about this topic, the more questions i continue to come up. jimmy fallon made a half hearted attempt (although a well done for him) to bring zack back out of hiding for his show and to get a reunion, but to no avail as well all know. fellow tigers i want you to do something for me, if you so chose, and that is to for you to go, and tape yourself for the first (and probably only), video yearbook for the anchor blog. i am strapped for cash right now, so there is no guarantees that i won't record over your voices, and sell your info to another blog or high school for a few extra bucks. to end this post, i am saying you can wait for my next blog..... but not in slaters car.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

a quick note about the current tunes on the blog

just a quick note, the music for this blog will be done in theme's. the first being music selected from several skateboard videos of which i used to (and sometimes still) watch pretty regularly. i was originally going to only have the music from one of my favorite video "asian goddess", but due to the fact that only 2 tracks could located in the playlist i decided to expand my theme to encompass some more (to get me up past 2 tracks). as you will hear the music does differentiate quite a bit, so hopefully there will something pleasing to everyone’s ears. on that note... "green bay packers hat alright, lets go play some football". enjoy double j

first post

hello everyone,
this creation is due to the fact that the boss (amy) wanted her blog to be a certain way, and she felt it was best for my creative outlet to start a different type of blog, in other words, she didn't like my posts. however i am curious though after having watched the office, and seeing the episode where ryan sets up a blog for creed. the only thing is that it's not a blog, but a word doc set up so the world doesn't have to be exposed to creed's writing. my mind is wondering if the boss didn't take a note from the show, so here it goes, and we'll how the response is. with all that being said, i have nothing else really to write about this evening, so i won't bore you (assuming there is someone reading this)any further. keep posted for further developments with this blog.
toodles - double j