Monday, December 28, 2009

my (possible) new life

i got off the phone with amy a little while ago, and she brought something up that got the wheels in my head spinning round and round. she asked me about some email she got regarding a new dating application for facebook that was addressed to me. she was under the impression that yours truly was putting himself back on the market after 8 years of married bliss (and couple years of being tied down as a boyfriend). after i looked at the email & informed her that it was a junk mail trying to get you to open and (more than likely get a virus) view for some junk. after i put the phone down i started to ponder what life would be like if i was back on the market. scary thought i know, but don't worry cause this anchor is anchored down (at least for now) with the old ball and chain. my first thought was are dates still $5.00 or less? are the single ladies ready for this tiger (and im not talking woods) to be back on the prowl? after a quick a look in the mirror, reality sunk in, and yeah im pretty sure they aren't ready for that. my thoughts also drifted to how would i pick this young lady up and where would we go afterwards (knowing that if i was on the market amy would have the house and cars)? my mind drifted to what seems like another lifetime, when me and amy would go out on dates. since having kids, our dating life is all but dead i'm sorry to say, but our duties as parents has taken precedence over the inner teenager in us. my last thoughts on the subject is that i know i currently have the only one i ever would like to take out on town, and that's amy. our first date is still probably the first date i went on that i didn't feel like a complete idiot afterwards (too many bad dates to list). it was less than $5.00, and was a ton of fun (at least for me). i'm going to end this post before i get too sappy, and i lose one of the five readers to this blog (can't have that now). i promise this, if this stud muffin becomes datable i will send out a warning signal (like the bat signal) ahead of time as a warning to all you single ladies.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

x-mas tunes

at the last minute i finally got some of my favorites x-mas tunes done in one of my favorite styles. the last 2 are picks from each of my kids. it is there favorite x-mas songs. enjoy the seasonal tunes for the quick moment they are here. good night..

merry x-mas

just in time for the holidays, the anchor would like to take this opportunity to say...........

Sunday, December 13, 2009

the end?

there's been a sense of "the end is near" with this blog since i first started using this forum to voice some of my many opinions, oh so many months ago. with that same sense of "the end is near" in mind i am writing this post tonight. i am wanting to know of the 5 readers out there who take time out of your busy schedule to partake in a little give and take with me on this blog, would like me to carry on with this blog? the reason i say that, is that i have been taking stock of my life (as meager as it is), and wondering if this outlet is something that helping me get things off my chest, or is just another way for me to waste time? so i leave this to a vote to the public, who out there would like to keep reading this blog? or those who think that they, and myself are wasting too much of their time with this blog? for me, i am indifferent to it, i do love writing, and reading those comments that are made about the posts, but at the same time, are i am always wondering if there really is anyone out there who cares about my thoughts and opinions? just the narcissus in me coming out. with that being said, please vote and let me know with your comments what you think. the phone line are now open america, go and vote for your favorite blog. good night (maybe forever).

Thursday, December 10, 2009

got a tiger by the tail.

i have been trying to hold my tongue, but i have to speak out now in regards to the tiger woods fiasco. the reason i am choosing to speak out now on the subject is cause after watching or listening to hours of interviews & " news reports" about the subject, i feel no one is saying what really needs to be said, and that is..............TIGER WOODS IS THE LUCKIEST MAN ALIVE! i say that cause if your like me, and have heard & seen the reports of the 12 women (so far) who have come forward (to get their treasures) in regards to having extra activities with tiger, these ladies aren't no slouches. he has a wife who is in the upper 10 range, and with the pics i have seen so far of these ladies they are either in the same league as her or a step below (but a short step). if he had been with ladies that where in a much lower brackets than his wife, then i would say as everyone "lock him up in gallows", but come on. i don't take infidelity lightly, but as far as i have seen, there is no such thing as fidelity when it comes to stars & celebrities. they get a free pass if you will with regards the vows they make when they are driving through wedding chapels in vegas. congress has now decided to pull their award they where planning on awarding him, but i say to all houses of government (including the 4th one, the fed) make an award specific to him as "LUCKIEST MAN IN THE U.S.A. (and possibly the world) AWARD. who's with me? i can see the petitions being sent around now all states and to all cities. people (all 5 of you reading this blog) call your federal senators & congressman & let them know that you want them to make this award a reality. his home town should give him the key to the city and make a national day for him (as long as he doesn't drive to and from). so as i wrap this post up, i would like to play p.r. guy to tiger (if he's reading, which we all know he's not), and tell him to save his money on the p.r., and let these women go out there and do interviews about how much of a stud you are. i would only say that if these women don't think you where the stud that has been presented & packaged to the world, then sure a few mill here & a few mill here doesn't hurt, but if they are gonna say good things about you, then by all means let them. i couldn't ask for better press than to have multiple attractive women doing interviews w/katy couric & diane sawyer, and whoever else & say how much of stud i am (maybe my wife would take notice (jk amy), and how i was rated p.g. (perfect gentlemen). i also say that not knowing if there is a pat o'brien voicemail tape out there with tiger saying similar things like pat said on his voicemail to a lady not even a 3rd his age, asking her to partake of illegal substances with him and then do things that would make your mother cry, then by all means pay up, and pay whatever they ask. i know there will be a few (2 maybe) who will say this such a trashy post, and you would be right, but it needed to be said now. now with no further ado, go out and start petitioning congress about this award before congress decides its their job to start regulating more college athletics. i close this post by using a golf word we should all know by now and that is FOUR!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

some pics for the holiday season

amy tried to get this pics for the blog, but had some trouble, so i am just posting them in this post for your to enjoyment. happy holidays from the anchor blog, and a merry x-mas, and whatever else my 5 loyal readers celebrate.

tis the season part 2

since my white trashiness has been called into question, i will further add a p.s. to my previous list & add an additional 5 items that point to how white trash i am. with no further ado:

1. i have been to a monster truck (and loved it).

2. i still watch professional (and some amateur) wrestling, and have since i was a young buck.

3. i know next to nothing about computers, and pretty much anything that has to do with technology.

4. i've owned both as mullet & dallas cowboys cheerleader calendars (i still wish i had the dallas cowboys calendar).

5. and the final for this short list is................. my love of county fairs. not the big city ones, but the real small town ones (just like in the lbk).

with all that being said, i may not be 110% white trash, but i know im sitting pretty easily around the high 80's. so long, cause i need to get to bed.

Friday, November 27, 2009

tis the season

with the festival season alive in air, i've been doing alot of deep thinking about why i am sooooooooo "WHITE TRASH". yes, i said, and i will say it again "i am white trash"(this time in lower cases letter to take the emphasis off how bad off i am). the reason i am writing about this subject for this post (mainly cause amy blogs about what the daily family happenings are, and im not that creative or imaginative) is due to the fair was just in town, and all over the globe i keep reading about things that are white trash, but really aren't. i am here to set the record straight for those of us who, are Yes, sirree; died in the wool; true blue, through and through white trash. with all that said, let me lay out a quick top 5 list for my 5 readers to let them know just is going on inside the mind of this anchor that leds me to believe (and probaly you ) that i am white trash:

1. i love steven seagal movies (goes back to when i was a kid)

2. i still play air guitar.

3. i have been teaching my kids to play air guitar & air drums, using some of my tracks from anthrax, metallica, iron maiden, judas priest,and other 80 metal bands.

4. if it weren't for the fact that i hate messing with hair, i would have a mullet (no joke).

5. finally, i got my free bird tattoo to top it all off with.

tonight's post was just a real quick one since the festival season is on it's way out. remember being white trash is not a choice, but a by product of bad hair bands & movies. till next time.

Friday, November 20, 2009

back at the chopping block

i just posted a quick blurb reagarding what this post is going to be about on my facebook, and that is what is the deal (sorta speak) with the twilight series, and the whole hoopla surrounding it? for full disclosure, i haven't read the twilight book series or watched any of of the movies regarding the series. with that disclosure now read to all 5 of you, i ask again what is so great about this series. i know the fans will say "don't judge it till you read or watched it", and to that i say i sat there and listened to my wife describe for me the gist of the series, and from that all i wanted to was stab myself in the ear with a shapr object for having listened to the cliff notes of the series. if your 12 years old i can see why there would be some appeal for this, but when may people (older than me even) beyond their teeny bopper years are crying and fighting over this series, it forces me have to have to take a step back (and even write a post about it), and try to figure out why? i know that there is bella & she's a human & there is edward and he is supposed to be this super hunk vampire, and they fall in love, and all that good stuff, and then there's a werewolf, frankenstein, a mummy, and the invisible man. all that is missing van helsing. maybe in the future a ghost writer will pick up where mrs. meyer left off, and bring van helsing in for a finishing touch romance. i am sorry if i am missing the point on this series, but i can think of quite a few other books (mainly non fiction since that is my preference, but since we are dealing with fiction i will list fiction) or movies that would be better time spent than watching or reading this series. since i threw that comment out there i will make a quick list of 4 books & or movies that are better than this series, and i will try to keep it in the same arena of ideas:


1. bram stroker's "dracula", where it all started.

2. mary shelley's "frankenstein", one of my favorite books of all times

3. "a clockwork orange" by anthony burgess, this is my favorite book of all times, and the first book over a 100 pages that i read and didn't use cliff notes for (back in 7th grade)

4. and last for my quick book references of better books than twilight is..... "that was then, this is now" by s.e. hinton. a book that really deals with teenage angst, and the drama that comes with being a teenager.

now for movies

1. sticking with teenage angst & s.e. hinton is "the outsiders", i know it wasn't #1 on my swayze list but it gets it here on my quick list.

2. since twilight is a series i am putting one of my favorite trilogies "the karate kid part 1 & 2, and would even rather watch part3 with hillary swank than any of the twilight movies (my opinion only, and those of people with impeccable taste such as myself).

3. the blade trilogy, i have only watched the first 2 films in the series, and don't remember the 2nd one, but i do remember the first one, and this is one of the only vampire inspired movies that i like & wesley snipes kicks some undead backside.

4. those who know me will now know how badly i think of the twilight series after reading my 4th pick. it is a series that i will forever dislike (there some things about it do like, but as a whole its awful, and yet i would rather watch this series than the twilight series).............rocky 1-10 (or how there are). yes i know, please don't reread it, it did say rocky.

after that, i don't think anything could express my feelings more about this series than seeing rocky on my quick list. i don't want to trash people who do like the series (my wife is included in this group), cause to each there own. i just wanted to vent about what i see being called entertainment these days and how bad its getting. granted i will say that most of my entertainment is considered to be white trash (and it is), but it at least its good white trash. tell next time when we are breaking dawn because there is an eclipse over a new moon in the twilight.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

i'm back

guess who's back? after a few weeks of down time thanks to dell having the swine flu, the anchor is back in business. after all that time off (no vacation was taken), i am still at a loss for what i should say to my 5 (possible down to 3 since i was gone for so long) faithful readers that they will enjoy. my first thought was to tell some of the great and magical adventures i returned from. another thought was to tell the story of how i slayed a dragon with my bare hands. i figured since it's been so long, and i don't want to bore whats left of my few readers, i will write about the next best thing..... sex, drug, and rock n roll. well maybe not, due to this blog is rated p.g. (per blogspot regulations). i would like to tell a little story that just took place recently. as i am sure all you know by now (if not read my wife's blog about it) i had surgery last april to have a tumor removed from nasal & brain area. a couple months after the surgery i had to have radiation treatments called "cyberknife" to have the remaining portion of the tumor removed that was inoperable for surgery. this past oct (around the 2nd week, give or take), i had my follow up m.r.i. done for the neurosurgeon involved with the radiation treatments to have him check to see if the tumor was still gone, and only scar tissue in it's place. several weeks went by after i had the m.r.i., when i received a phone from the surgeons office letting me know that they had discovered some residual on the scans that needed further looking into to verify what it is. no problem i thought, cause since i have been dealing with this tumor my case is one that is presented to the group at the barro's neurological center for evaluation. so my case was presented to the group last week, and i was instructed to call the surgeon back to get the results if i hadn't received word from their office by friday. friday comes, and low and behold, no contact from the dr's office, so i called the office, and spoke with a a lady there in the office who instructs me to call back next week, cause the people i needed to speak with where currently out of the office. no worries i thought , all the while in the back of my head i was trying to get myself ready for anything (well almost anything). one thing i have learned from having this tumor is to expect the unexpected. monday comes around, and right in the middle of my work day i get a call from the dr's office informing of the results....... no, they tell me i need to talk to my ear/nose/throat surgeon (i don't know how to spell autolargologist, and frankly don't care enough to look it up, sad, i know) to get the results since he was the one who presented my case to the group. needless to say i immediately get on the phone, and leave a voicemail for a call back from his office to let me know of the results. by this time, its been about a 2 week span from the first phone call about the possible residual , and this had been weigh in on me ever since. finally after 5:00pm on monday i get the call from the correct dr's office, and am in formed that......................
tune into next time to find out!

just kidding, that everything is alright, and that they see no problems or sign of a tumor, YET! now wasn't that little tale more exciting that sex, drugs, and rock n roll, well maybe the drugs & rock n roll part. keep a wrinkle till next time. hasta la vista.

Friday, October 23, 2009

the 30 dirty

now that i have had a couple days to soak in being 30, i am going to do a post that will stand as a time capsule for me, and this blog (with the big assumption that both of us are still around in the future). i am going to put down some ideas, and ask for those 5 readers of this blog to share any input or ideas that you may have, regarding making my 30's even be better than my 20's. hard to beat, no doubt, but i think with a little blood, sweat, tears, and greenback (it's money for those who didn't know) we can make my 30's bigger and better than my roaring 20's. so for starters i am suggesting that i at least make it through my 30's alive. easy to do you may say, but how many of you have heard of the darwin awards? next would have to be...... finishing school. i know your reading this thinking "jodie you have an associates degree in telecommunication from the prestigious south plains college, what else do you need? if your not thinking that, then you should, but back to the point at hand, i need to at least get to my bachelors, if not masters (but let's not get too ahead of ourselves now) before i turn 4.0. i am planning on still being with my wife amy, and our adorable boys (you can read amy's blog if you want to know what trouble they are currently getting into), but you never know, amy could come to her senses (for my sake let hope she doesn't). its a sad but true, but that is really all i got right now as i am trying to be as realistic as possible. yeah there are somethings like play in a band & touring, or making films, and skating @ burnside, but we all know that is just wishful thinking right now. gotta take it in baby steps just like bill murray. i am now opening this post up the 5 to give any of your input/ideals/goals/or thoughts as to what i can do in the next decade to make up things better for myself (selfish i know) than my 20's, as well as make up for things not accomplished as of yet. in 10 years from now (i'm remembering my 1st day at cromer (i think that's how it was spelled) elem & it was a fresh new school, and i was starting the 2nd grade, and we had this great big assembly with larry peterson the new school principal. he and the staff had each class put some stuff into a time capsule, and then at some point (i forgot when) they would take it out from where it was buried (on the inside of the school), and reveal its contents. if anyone remembers when they where going to open up that capsule, please let me know), and together (hopefully the 5 will have multiplied instead of divided) look at what as been said today, and see if i was able to make it to the summit called the 40's. that's all i have for now, but please (pretty please) if you read this post, leave me a note or something that can be added to this momentous occasion. good night.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

dum dum dum dum

with this being my last hours prior to turning 3.0, i decided that i would try to reflect on my 20's with a top ten list of "what i can remember memorable moments". now i am going to apologize in advance if i forget something big. my memory isn't the greatest these days. here i go:

1. courting & getting married to amy.

2. both my boys being born (mason's was more memoriable, but that goes without saying).

3. the realization that i wasn't going to be able to ever in this lifetime become a pro skater (that one still hurts to this day).

4. got my associate degree from the world renowned south plains college

5. grew a beard (several times).

6. was in my first films (you can see 2 of them on my facebook).

7. had my 1st computer crash (and hopefully my last).

8. gained weight (lots of it).

9. learned to cook (a few things).

10. finally, i had my face taken off, and then put back on using a titanium plate and screws to make me even uglier than before (if you can imagine).

so there you have, the things that stick out the most (or that i can still remember) from my past decade on earth. it's a sad but true i know, but none the less it's me. take it or leave (just kidding to my 5 readers, i need you to keep reading)it. so long till after i am 3.0 (and to my 20's).
p.s. a couple things i forgot to put i the top ten, but did happen just recently, and are worth noting are:
11. was hit by wife with car (and i saw it coming).
12. hot myself in the eye with a towel, and have some blood & fluids come out (seriously).
now i'm sure that enough foe now. so long to my 20's, hello 3.0's.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

the true meaning of halloween

i've been having some food for thought moments over the past few days (i can hear you saying it now, here we go again), thinking about the differences between when i was a young buckaroo and celebrating halloween, and now some years later as a father experiencing it with my boys. since i have not celebrated halloween for over quite a few years (previously working nights) the spirit of halloween which once ran through me like the colorado river has since almost dried up much like most the rivers in az. so with a little scrooge in me, i am going to try my best to give some of my thoughts on the differences i see from now to back in the day. the main reason i am kinda down on halloween is the lack of creativity that i see expressed by this current generation. when i was a kid (i do a pic somewhere to prove it), i think i was around 9 or 10 i took and spiked my hair up with gel, wore ripped jeans with a ripped up bye bye birdie t shirt, tied some bandanna's around knee, and put pink hair dye spray on my hair, and i was a punk for halloween. now this costume i put together myself (the only thing i was unable to was purchase the hair spray so my mom did), and that was what i was then. now of days it's all goofy looking masks & costumes that look even cheaper than when i was a kid. people these days believe you have to purchase a costume from a retailer, so they can feel good about not having as many people fired and on food stamps. people used to use their imaginations & creativity to come up with some great costumes. here's another cheesy costume i did for halloween quite a while back (prior to being married to amy, just courting her), and i was joey lawrence (i was the blossom joey, not the i just got out of chemo joey) for halloween. the thought process at the time was amy would be six (blossoms best friend from the show, and amy is a spitting image of her), and i would be joey. so i cut off some sleeves on a flannel, put on some pants with holes all through the knees and elsewhere, put on some old combat boots, and did up my hair up (what hair i had), and spent the evening say "whoa". amy went as six, and all she did was purchase a hat, some flower pants, & a top all that six would have worn and we where the perfect couple at the party. see a little imagination, and a few"whoa's", and you can get costumes on the cheap. i know its hard these days to think of great ideas for costumes with life coming at you a mile minute (i have adhd, so things are going by me even faster), but to me people used to be more excited for halloween. i can remember when i was growing up there being at least one haunted house on each block, if not more, and kids used to be able to roam the streets with their parents, and go door to door (assuming the porch lite was on with no sign that read "will shoot solicitors on site, no questions asked"), and fill up the largest pillow case they had with candy. just like archie said "those where the days". i know there are still some people out there who hold on to that spirit of halloween all year round (we call them pagans), but it seems they are a dying breed (not the pagans). i am venting cause this will be the first time in a number of years that i will be able to get out there and roam the streets (if i can get amy's permission to do so) with my kids, and i would like them to have at least a glimpse of what halloween used to be for me. i want my boys to get the pillow case full of candy (so i can take the good ones from them afterwards, and leave them with candy corn, and the crappy peanut butter wraps that come in only orange and black wrappers- jk), and know what a real haunted house's are (no its not a house that young teens are pressured into going in & are then shown little plays that tells them not to engage in immoral activities, and then out of peer pressure write on a note that they have accepted jesus and all is now well (not to knock it for those of you who like it)), but the real way halloween was supposed to be celebrated and the real haunted house that made you pee your pants cause something freaked you out so badly. now i am going to leave this message with you (my 5 readers), and this is directed at the young (to slightly older) ladies, wearing next to nothing or "ho" outfits for halloween, they don't constitute a costume. i won't complain if you do, but i've seen this in full effect over the past few years since used work nights and i work right next to asu. when i would be getting off of work, the party's on mill ave right next to my work where already in full swing and i could see them for miles. even though it may seem like a good idea to wear the mini skirt w/stockings and call it a witches costume its really not a witches costume (unfortunately due to the blog being rated p.g. i cannot fully disclose a more appropriate word for those costumes. although who am i to dictate for anyone of my readers (all 5 of you) what to wear for halloween. till next time, "trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat, if you don't i don't care, i'll pull down your underwear"!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

help wanted

i was watching a movie earlier this week (one that i had seen previously), and my first thought after a few minutes into it is "why am i watching this movie again"? it's been sometime since i last watched (a few years) this film, and i didn't like then. still i spent the next hour and forty minutes (give or take) planted on my bed watching this movie. i don't know if i was expecting it be better than i remembered or just out of plain laziness, but i sat there and finished it for the second with the same results as the first time "i want my hour and forty minutes back". this is the intro for the subject of my post today. i have been thinking long and hard about this with my life (i promise not to go back over my previous post about a similar subject). i have been wondering a great deal how my life has become so complacent. i don't know when it started, but i do know that i need to do somethings different with it or lose more than just the hour and forty five minutes i lost earlier this past week. i know that the first step to getting out of complacently is to first acknowledge it, and then take action against it. with that being said, i leave this post open to all 5 readers (and if there is more, feel free as well) to offer up some suggestions that have worked for you, or if you don't find yourself in the same predicament as myself, you can leave some suggestions that's working for you. please don't think that i am sitting here all depressed (even though it may seem that way). i have just been thinking long hard about how much more my life could be (and hopefully should be), and what the reality of it is. on that note i open it up to the readers of this blog for your help. i thank you in advance for any suggestions offered up to help assist me. please note alcohol and drugs won't help me with this problem, as someone at work suggested (jokingly i hope) this week. till next time. toodle loo

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

just when you thought.....

i have been spending the last week, working night & day, day & night on my thesis to share with the world, and now that i am done with it........ i am canning it. it was really bad, and not worth all 5 readers time, so bye bye. anyway i will have something for all 5 of you readers in the near future (i can't guarantee it won't suck). so for now i will leave you with a couple quotes from one my favorite (and possibly the greatest) thinkers of the present day to ponder upon til next time.

"Hear the birds? Sometimes I like to pretend that I'm deaf and I try to imagine what it's like not to be able to hear them. It's not that bad". - larry david

"I tell people that I've now done one decent thing in my life. Albeit inadvertently". - larry david

I've led this empty life for over forty years and now I can pass that heritage on and ensure that the misery will continue for at least one more generation. - larry david

i wish i had been the one to come up these gems.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

new tunes for one and all

due to the lack of requests (none to be exact), i took over the concept of what music to be added to the blog. the theme for the time being is movie and tv soundtracks. here you can enjoy 11 hits (and 1 t.v. soundtrack) from some great movie soundtracks, and some not so great (ie:rocky4). there is one film i can't vouch for, but the song is a personal fave of mine. see if you can guess which songs are from what movie (t.v.), without the help of google or other internet search engines. keep your feet on the ground, and keep reaching fopr the stars.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

cops: fighting crime in the future time

for all my readers out there (all 5 of you) i have some homework for you. please watch this complete episode before my next post. i will be doing my master's thesis about this episode. please enjoy one of my favorite cartoons of all times.
ps rock slim you're back! what's it like at the johnson estate? i've got a lot of enemies over there.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

new tunes coming soon, by you

i am just putting it out there for the next time i switch up the tunes list, what would you the inspired readers of this wonderfully insightful blog like to hear (please keep it appropriate). i'm all ears, sorta speak with your choices. i will tell you upfront, that i will not honor any requests for song renditions done by the cast of glee. i have hear enough of them here at my house during the week. i look forward to hearing what suggestions are out there. tootle loo.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Hindsight is always 20-20, But looking back it's still a bit fuzzy

today is the one month mark till i become the big 3.0 or thirty as they used to call it in the olden days. since this momentous occasion is creeping near, i have been taking some time out of my busy schedule to do some soul searching, and to mainly ask myself one basic question: what the heck happened to my life? here i am about to turn thirty, and can only wonder what happened to my life. i have heard that when people are faced with insurmountable odds or danger is looking them square in the face, they often have out of body experiences, where they watch their life pass right before them. i haven't had that opportunity yet, but i am sure that it would pretty quick, and pretty painful to watch. having lived my current life for almost thirty years, when i look back all i can think of is where did the time & everything go. this may sound like another depression induced rant by yours truly (and maybe it is), but i have been doing some soul searching as i have also been pondering, & wondering on the choices i have made. we all have had to make choices, and i am wondering if some of the choices i have made along the way have been wrong or not the best ones. here i am looking at thirty, and i still don't have my bachelors degree. i can boast an associates degree from one of the top colleges out there (spc), but it doesn't seem to compete in the real world against a bachelor's, or even a higher degree. i can remember back in my youthful days, and i knew i wanted my career to be playing pro basketball for the nba. it started way back in my elementary school days, but after being beaten one of my teachers who was wearing cowboy boots, and was shorter than me (even back then). that let me know that it wasn't going to be realistic for me to able to compete in nba (wnba possibly, just for you steph). then in my early teen days it changed to being a professional skateboarder, but by high school i was pretty sure that i didn't have what was needed on a skill level to compete, and make a living at it. then i started to move towards films & film making, and although it is still a strong interest of mine, i have come to realize its not all the glitz & glam or blood & violence that i once thought it to be, but a cesspool of remakes & unoriginality that goes along with lots of grotesque fill in the blank_________ . i have worked on several films (most of them have never been finished), but no project yet has been able to light the fire under my backside to get me to put all my eggs in that basket & roll the dice. around this time i also thought about screenwriting. as i am sure for the 5 that read this blog, you know i can't write a correct sentence using the correct punctuations or use the right word with the right context. now that i have looked down on my life's path, and have wondered what in the heck took place, i seem to remember that i met a young lady (although 30 now, so young might not be the appropriate word), and had a world wind romance with her, and even got married (to which i am still married to this not so young lady, and am even more in love with her today than ever ;) (that ought be land me some brownie points)). i have several close friends that i keep in touch with somewhat regularly (from once a week to once a month), and they are the best. although i am still looking for new friends or replacement friends, if you know somebody that would fit in with this motley crew, please have them send in their applications to me for review. i also have two little demons, i mean boys, who are the light of my life. they are the biggest pains in my back, but i can't stay mad at them when they tell me that "daddy your a decepticon, but i love you anyways". who can resist that, being called a bad guy, and at the same time being let told that you are still loved. before i get too fruity with this post, i wanted to end by saying, even though right now i am not doing exactly what i would like to do as a career, i can at least say that "i have job" (as i have been reminded of quite a bit lately). so for those of looking back on life and saying "man i am doing exactly what i want to do with myself" forget you. for those of you, who like me, may have had life not turn out so far not as planned, hopefully there is enough good stuff in your life to help you want to keep from call dr. kevorkian, if not, then take up a hobby like watching sports, or fill in the blank_________. adios amigos.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

celebrate good times come on, let's celebrate them!

i am in a good mood today like no one good mood i have had for such a long time. my toes are arched upward (or possibly downward, whichever way feels best), and i can't stop smiling (whether that is a good thing or not is yet to be determined). the grass is greener, the birds are chirping, and the sky is a shade of baby blue (not technically) i haven't seen for sometime. the reason you maybe asking yourself, "why would someone who lives in a constant state of suicidalness (if that's a real word, i have never played scrabble, so i don't know) & is always looking at everything as the cup is half empty, could be so cheery today"? and that is a great question, thank you for asking. i have the answer for you, and its been a long time coming. for the past year (give or take a week or so) i have been ruled by a regime that has held a bitter grudge against me daily & in return has created some very awkward moments at work. i opened my big mouth last year (around the same time as now) and made some disparaging remarks to this person about some people that they didn't know, but this person is partial to those being disparaged (i due admit the remarks where a little distasteful (and out of character for me). ever since those remarks where uttered there has hovered over me this dark cloud or an even better way to describe the situation is the 2 ton elephant in the room (and the room is the size of my kids playroom, which if you didn't know is really small). this grudge that has been held against me finally comes to a resolution today (and officially in a couple weeks). i will now be working with a new individual & at this point i am starting over. for me the foot stays in my mouth & doesn't ever get to leave it for any reason. after having those remarks thrown back into my face over and over (as recently as yesterday to be exact), i cannot wait for this fresh start. so for the next couple of weeks, i will keep my nose to the grindstone, and my foot in my mouth, but come the beginning of oct i am a new man. good things come to those who wait (or don't make off hand remarks about people to other people who you don't know will take them way to seriously & to their heart ). amanda "don't call me mandy"if your reading this post, i miss working with you. you where the best (and i sincerely mean it). so tonight we open up a bottle of the finest champagne available (since i am a non drinker that will be either be sprite, or ice cold water (as my kids call it), and let's make a toast to better days ahead. so long (sucka), and good night. tootles.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

in remembrance of dalton

recently i posted about starting top 10 list posts, and in keeping in that same spirit of the necessity to have to put everything in top 10 lists, i am going to do my list today on patrick swayze movies. in remembrance of a mediocre actor who never forgot where he came from, and never backed down to a good smoke (even after being diagnosed with cancer), what a trooper i will try to put down for my readers (all 5) my top faves. now with this tribute being for patrick and in remembrance of his legacy, i hate to admit it but, i never really liked him, so i couldn't come up with a complete top ten list of his movies, so i will do my best to make as complete a list as i can of the movies i have seen with him (no i haven't seen dirty dancing, and currently have no plans on seeing it). so without further ado here is my list of movies with patrick swayze that i have seen and would recommend:

1. point break - by far his best

2. red dawn - the next in line behind point break in goodness

3. the outsiders - he's the big brother we all wished we had if our parents died while being a teenager

4. skatetown u.s.a - most people probably haven't seen this gem, but worth the watch

5. roadhouse - although i believe he was nominated for a razzie, it is worth the watch (at least once)

6. black dog - mainly because of randy travis & meatloaf, but pat's not so bad in it

7. his appearance as guest host of snl back in 1990 - yes i do know that the only skit anyone remembers from this is the one with him & chris farley as chippendales (classic)

for the true fans out there reading this post, i am sorry, but this is where the list ends for me. now a moment of silence for this master actor (smoke em if you got em). till next time (unless your patrick).

Monday, September 14, 2009

last week

well in case you where wondering if i was dead (all the people that really care), yes i am still alive and well (relatively speaking that is). last week was one for the books. i haven't been that sick in quite sometime. usually every 6 months or so i tend to get a little sick & then after a day or so i good to go, but this last week knocked me down. it started on tues evening (around 11pm) throwing up & having other liquids emitted from my body, till around 4am (it was pretty consistent till around 2ish, & then it was around every 15 - 30 mins or so). needless to say i was off of work on wed, but then i woke up thurs & i could barely move. my whole body (joints especially) hurt like back in the day when i would play b-ball or skate for hours on end with no real stretching done prior. so thurs evening roll around, and i am in a world of pain physically, but my stomach had settled down for the most, so i figure tomorrow (friday) i am well enough to get back to the grindstone. friday morn comes around and i can't even stay awake, & i am hurting even more physically. so going into the weekend i am thinking that i will feel better, but here i am monday afternoon, and i am still not feeling 100% (although i'm around the mid 90's area). i know your probably asking yourself, "why did i just waste my time reading this post, when i could have been doing a billion other things that would have been more constructive with my precious time", but too bad "sucker". the truth is that your right about that. usually i try not post about my day to day life (mainly cause its really boring, and not a fun read), but i figured since i can't think of anything else to post, why not just let this post rip (sorta speak). in case your wondering, yes both my boys got the same thing, and had to miss school (connor on thurs & fri & mason on fri). till next time, please wash your hands profusely & get plenty of rest. a quick tip, sprite with chicken noodle soup & saltine crackers does sit better in your system than anything else (i found this out last week). laterz

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

new threads

because my time is so valuable (around 12 dollars an hour these days), i try to not blog everyday, and if i do a post, then i like to keep it @ around one post per day, so you know when i drop two posts in a day it can only mean one thing... good things are coming. i am ripping off dave letterman & entertainment weekly, and am starting a new thread of posts that will be about my current top ten faves in different fields. i invite all who read this blog to participate in the top ten lists. i know i enjoy reading about people faves as much as the next guy, so feel free to comment, or add ideas as to what upcoming top ten lists maybe. so with this spirit, i am starting off my first top ten list in remembrance of a great film maker who we all lost recently, mr. john hughes. tonight's top ten is my top 10 favorite john hughes movies (these are from him either being a director/producer/writer, or all the above):

1. breakfast club (need i say more/every one's fave)

2. uncle buck (my fave john candy flick ever)

3. ferris bueller's day off (the only thing matthew brodrick has done that i remember liking)

4. pretty in pink (o.m.d. soundtrack, i still the 45 of "if you leave")

5. weird science (i have always wanted to create a computer program girl since i first saw this movie, and when technology catches up with john, i will have my computer created women. amy is not computer generated women (as far as i know))

6. home alone (ac says ten percent, well ac ain't in charge anymore) note: none of the other ones even come close to making this list

7. dutch (this was the first movie i ever saw with ed o'neill in after married with children, and realized how bad of an actor he truly is, but in a good way)

8. national lampoons european vacation (nothing further needs to be said, by far the best of any of the national lampoons)

9. planes trains & automobiles (another classic with not only steve martin but john candy as the abbott and costello duo. also this movie connects joh hughes to kevin bacon without going through all 6 degrees.)

10. last but no least, well maybe.... mr. mom (outside of the first couple batman's, this was michael keaton's best work. this movie means more to me now, since i am mr. mom at home, just ask amy).

so this concludes my first installment of the top 10. so please feel free to say what you like (or dislike) about my list (as long as it's appropriate). please give me any suggestion for any further top ten lists you would like to read about. on that note good night.

connor's post

today i am going with the approach that since i have nothing of importance to say, i am going to sit here and type a story that my son connor tells me. if you read mine or amy's blog you know that connor is really really really into transformers, so here goes a new story about transformers as told by connor & ghost written by yours truly. connor even picked the picture for this post (although i tried to get him to pick a picture of megan fox, it fell on deaf ears. i didn't know she couldn't even compete with optimus prime & megatron). here it goes ..... once upon a time there was remote control truck that was regular (not a transformer), and they drove it to the decepticons are & they transformed. they fight the autobots and they transform back into robots and then they fight again, and then they drove again. they are super fast. then they transform, and then they fight (again). theses statements are then repeated a few more times, and then...... the end. i hope that this little story was more gratifying than having to be subjected to another rant by myself. till next time "keep your feet on the ground, and keep reaching for the stars" (property of casey kasem, and no other).

Monday, September 7, 2009

new tunes

just a quick fyi, new tunes are available for your listening enjoyment. just a quick note about these new songs. these tracks where picked by my two boys. the first 5 where picked my connor, and the remaining by mason. yes connor picked major tom in spanish, cause he though it sounded funny. enjoy the music.